I'd love to see a prequel
I never read the book, but neither movies nor wiki pages give much past about Pennywise other than he is very old and came to Earth 100s if not 1000s of years ago. No one I know who has read it or spoken to online has ever mentioned much about it either, so I just assume the the book doesn't explore IT's origins much; but for some odd reasons focuses on some some irrelevant town stuff.
I'd love to see when it arrived. How it fed on other animals or people. Cavemen, biblical times, medieval times, colonial times, whatever. Maybe a mix of it. Maybe even some stuff about it in whatever universe it came from before it arrived here - and how it fell in love with the Pennywise form.
I've always wanted to know more about the creature. Like, how smart is it? It seems to have a degree of psychic abilities, but never struck me as overly intelligent. Almost like an animal. He acts on instinct more than anything. He doesn't care about anything but eating. Literally, nothing else. Could it even talk before it arrived here? What does it do when it retreats back to it's cave? When it's not actively hunting, what does it do? Just eat the bodies it leaves back at it's place? Make skin masks like Buffalo Bill?