I HATE seeing kids in peril. Nevertheless I use the rational side of me to say it is only a movie.
I am not going to say that it is easy for me to watch certain scenes.
I am the kind of person who could never stand by and watch a child be harmed in real life. Hopefully all of us feel this way. Sadly I have seen remarks here that make me wonder if some of the people here have any feelings at all.
I feel that teen bullies are old enough to make choices as to who and how they wish to be. Death is probably a bit extreme but I dont see them the same way I see young defenseless and innocent children. Georgie was a sweet innocent kid who wouldn't harm anyone. The last thing I want to see is a young kid die in such a gruesome way.
Movies like this will never desensitize me toward such violence. Nevertheless I understood the plot when I went to see the movie. Fortunately in real life you will never find a town with the level of indifference that you see in the movie.