Not bad
This is an Australian show that is walking and talking where Aaron Sorkin shows like Sports Night and Newsroom have walked and talked before. They don't really have that Sorkinesque dialog, but who does now that Sorkin seems to have left for the movies.
I like that the stories they cover are actual news stories from 1986 such as the Challenger disaster, Chernobyl, Halley's Comet, the dingo eating the baby incident, and so on. Really brings back a lot of memories as you remember where you were when all those things happened.
They may be doing a bit too much in the romantic relationships and love triangles at the office, but we'll see.
Also, sometimes things don't seem to make sense. Such as in the HIV episode where Helen finds out something about Dale and instead of talking it over just runs out of the house. I hope there's a good back story there and the show is going to explain it very soon because otherwise that looks very lazy.