MovieChat Forums > Total Recall (2012) Discussion > The "bad guys" seemed more like the "goo...

The "bad guys" seemed more like the "good guys"?

I was rooting for Cohaagen and his crew. The fight and shooting scenes were too long and boring. The Resistance made no sense. What the hell were they resisting that they had to blow people up for it?

I couldn't sympathise with any of the characters. The only one I came close to sympathizing with was Lori the wife. And that's the only wife named Lori I've ever been able to sympathise with. I.e. The Walking Dead. This was a horrible reboot.

The only redeeming factor in this movie was Colin's eyebrows.

I just came to have a drink...


The resistance weren't blowing up people: their leader clearly said that they only attacked military installations, while the government attacked citizens to get popular support for their military expansionism.

The resistance were complaining about the poor living conditions in "The Colony" (Australia) compared with Britain. The future British government were also preparing to attack "The Colony" to make room for more of their people.

If you think the bad guys were behaving well, you must not have been watching, or have been on auto-pilot.

"If you ain't a marine then you ain't *beep*


Let me guess: you just watched a 30 second preview? Because you obviously didn't watch the movie, and if you did your attention span must be nil.



Their attention span was fine they just... oh, look, a squirrel.

