Real or Rekall
Just watched the commentary of the directors cut, and Wiseman brings up the question as to whether Quaid is really Hauser or whether it is only the memory provided by Rekall. Wiseman says that he definitely leans one way, but declines to state which way that is, although he said he left enough subtle clues in the film for a discerning viewer to figure it out.
I think it was real for one simple fact; Maerick (sp?) at Rekall said that they cannot incorporate real events into the memory trip and gave the example of wanting a memory of a mistress on the side when you already had one in real life. He said that was how minds get blown. I think the fact that Quaid experience involved his real life wife points to the fact that it was real, as I don't see how you could come off of that and not experience marriage problems as a result of such overwhelming negative memories of your wife. I think Rekall would be crazy to include close associations of the customer in the memory, for this reason, as it would give Rekall a bad rep and would not be good for buainess.
I'm curious if others who have seen the movie think it was real or a memory?