MovieChat Forums > Men (2022) Discussion > When will someone make a film called Wom...

When will someone make a film called Women, detailing the evils of misandry ?

I'd check it out. Would be a breath of fresh air to showcase a topic that gets no exposure. An actual piece of brave film making as opposed to these played out hateful films.

Plenty to work with such as devastating false accusations, gaslighting, a brutal divorce, societal bias in favor of Women. Would be an interesting and brave film.

I'll not get my hopes up though.


This movie doesn't deal with the evils of misogyny but nice try.


We men can do better than making movies which spend their entire runtime depicting the lone male character as unblemished prey, who's constantly falling victim to the evil harpies all around. Self-proclaimed MRAs like Paul Elam(who's never been much of an activist, so much as he is a charismatic plagiarist of other people's ideas. Namely, those of Tom Leykis)have already shat the bed by emulating the tactics of The Woke Left more time than can be counted, and were worse off for it


Every girl or woman I was closely involved with prior to meeting the one who became my wife (thankfully, an exception) ended up being a shrewish, lying, unfaithful emotional game-player who shat on me and walked away happy. I think I must have been subconsciously attracted to sociopaths. Bad boyfriends and husbands have been overrepresented in films. More dramatic exploration of narcissistic, abusive girlfriends and wives would be an interesting shift. To ignore or minimize the toll they take on men is not "doing better".


When an incel becomes talented.


not the movie you described, but there's an intense german drama film called "gegenüber" which is about a male victim of domestic violence:
