Sexist Deeks?

Watched the Esquire NCIS:LA "marathon" the other day--some good episodes.  I did notice, however, that in a lot of episodes the Deeks character is seriously sexist--giving Kensi an undercover role as a Brazilian topless model and always talking about going to the strip clubs?--and it makes him really not funny. And would Kensi laugh about it? Is she that insecure? You never hear G or Sam talk about Kensi, or any of the women characters, in that way. Also, I hope the writers give up the idea that every woman who comes in contact with the team is immediately smitten with Deeks; that is definitely not realistic--especially with Sam & G in the picture. 


Deeks is a very annoying character and his "jokes" are just lame and sometimes sexist yes...I honestly don't understand why his character has so many fans.

I hope the writers give up the idea that every woman who comes in contact with the team is immediately smitten with Deeks; that is definitely not realistic--especially with Sam & G in the picture.

I agree with this too...I don't find Deeks "attractive" at all...and his constant cosplaying of Shaggy from Scooby doo certainly doesn't help...I'll take Callen anyday, Chris O'Donnell is so much hotter and more attractive 


I agree about Callen being hotter than Deeks. There was more "sex" in the kiss between G & Anna than in all the Densi kisses combined. 💋💋


I agree with that too...and I see more passion and chemistry between Callen & Kensi during their undercover missions together than all the Densi scenes combined 


I think the lack of passion in Densi is because they're in-laws (their dialogue is more realistic). Being a relative's lover for a movie is not that tough, but for 5 frigging years! 


yeah I think that's the reason why Densi is so awkward together whenever they have to film those more intimate scenes, it's just not convincing...watching Densi trying to act "lovey dovey" together is like watching 2 siblings trying to act like lovers, so awkward...and that's probably because Daniela Ruah is actually Eric Christian Olsen's sister-in-law. Daniela has better chemistry with every other guy she gets intimate with on this show than with Eric, these 2 are just too much like siblings.


Agree--Deeks often makes comments worthy of a chauvinistic, sexist jackass that pass for Adam Sandler's brand of "humor." Deeks is an a-----e of the highest order, and Kensi's a wuss for putting up with his crap.


What is Deeks' problem? He seems stuck on strip clubs, bikini bars, and every woman's t&a (even "fifty shades of Hetty" -- really rude). Pretty degrading to always give Kensi a "sexy" undercover ID or suggest she use her boobs to distract guys. Where did they get this guy? The Playboy mansion?


Deeks who? I only see G. Callen when he's on screen.  Eric Christian Olsen is a very talented actor (IMO, the best over all actor on the show) HOWEVER, the writing for him/Deeks is terrible most of the time. The comedic lines are old, tiresome and NOT funny. And yes, he does come across as sexist, especially with Kensi.


I've never seen ECO in anything other than NCIS: LA and his part is so poorly written, I can't tell if he has ANY acting skills. IMO, Chris and Linda are the best actors; but Chris' scenes where he doesn't even speak--like the endings of "Pushback," "Human Traffic," and "Deadline"--are an amazing blend of subtlety and emotion. Chris' face expresses so much emotion. I don't see any of that with ECO's work in this show; his acting is too "over the top" for my taste, and part of that's the writing (I think the other part is ECO himself). Still, not having seen him in any other role . . . .


I meant over all best actor on the show because despite the writing/directing ECO executes his scenes exceptionally well - be it a comedy scene or emotional ones like in Internal Affairs (when talking with his mom & then with Hetty). I haven't seen him in anything else so I base my comment on the fact that despite what he is given to work with, his presentation is top notch IMO.
Totally agree with you on COD conveying so much with his facial expressions - he nails it every single time.


IMO Chris is a much better actor than Eric Olsen.


Some actors are smooth when saying their lines, But not Dildo. He says his line and never gives it the time to say the next word... meaning he just tells the joke and the punchline all in one sentence. Douchebag Olsen is a terrible Actor!!!


And @ScrystaLz

I sense a lot of a "pointing finger" mentality among (most) responders here.

Wouldn't it be dull if all characters had the same attitude and were all equally serious?

Deeks is supposed to be the youngest, a kind of "rookie"- hence his high school boy attitude versus women. His previous work as an undercover agent, dealing with the drug and prostitution scene, contributes to that behaviour. Besides that - IMHO - he is a bit of an ADHD type.
I don't know if you missed it, but Sam and Callen often pull pranks on him, and also Hetty knows how to deal with Deeks....
But he certainly has a softer and more serious side too: concerns about his mom and his love for Kensey, fondness of dogs and a healthy food addict.

It is what it is; and I love Deeks' character as well as Eric C.Olsen as an actor and person.
Tastes differ (fortunately) but a lot of people (including myself) are fond of tall, handsome, slightly rugged looking, blond, blue eyed boys.

Regarding the chemistry between Deeks and Kensey: there are different levels and types of chemistry. Perhaps Kensey needs this playful and prudent "game playing" type of love. She's been through a lot and has mistrust issues - just to name a few.

Awkwardness is hardly applicable as Daniela's husband/Eric's brother David Olsen, is always on set too as he is Eric's stuntman. The two Olsen couples have a very tight relationship - no problems there.


We'll agree to disagree about Deeks' "attitude towards women'' (which has nothing to do with his shaggy look). But I'm TIRED of the same old stupid excuses (young, rookie, etc.) given for being sexist. These excuses wouldn't work if a character was racist (good ole boy crap), but, hey, if a guy wants to focus on a woman's anatomy and make disparaging or condescending remarks--we should all just chill and relax. I don't find anything humorous about sexism anymore than I find anything humorous about racism (can you IMAGINE a regular character who made jokes about LL because he's black?). And I find it doubly unrealistic that a woman with Kensi's strength would fall for such treatment--being given sexy undercover aliases by Deeks (Brazilian topless model? seriously?). It makes her character look insecure and needy emotionally, hardly the personality of a federal agent and superior sniper (I mean, there aren't a lot of MEN federal agents who exhibit those qualities--insecure and needy). Let's all just move into the 21st century and cut out the sexist crap. Obviously the writers can write strong woman characters (Hetty), but to think that strong women characters can't be sexy and/or romantic is just SO old-fashioned.

That's why I love the characters of G and Sam; their attitudes toward women are so much more mature and yet affectionate; they care greatly about the women in their lives (including Kensi), but they don't sink to the "frat boy" mentality. That makes them far sexier than Deeks!


Right! Let'say Deeks vocalizes what other men might think ....
IMHO "sexist" is a bit exaggerated; but I'm not American; in my eyes it's joking.
Well at least he's not swearing.
Comparing rather innocent jokes to racism flaws completely.

I'm doing my utmost to try and understand where you come from. Perhaps we live in different worlds: in my experience people from the US wrap their words in velvet, always afraid to offend people (although some posters here don't seem to suffer from that at all). We are more direct, but honest. If a relationship is good, you can make jokes, without offending people.
Sometimes I wonder where children pick up swear words, as the swear-jar is a common household item and every curse is bleeped out on television and education is the same for everyone. 
I wonder if that is the right method; isn't it a matter of mentality, upbringing and common sense?

All three of them men (Sam, G and Deekes) are more or less "damaged goods" and - if I remember correctly, Sam did have an affair.
If all army/federal agents and the like were as strong as you suggest, PTSD wouldn't exist.
I can't help it, but Deeks is my favorite; Callen has anger issues and Sam is too bland for my taste. I love Hetty, and I bet that - despite her history with Callen - she favors Deeks too.

Let's try not to project the words of the writers onto the actor; he says his lines, and the proper place to object would be the writers combo.

I wish you a wonderful day!


You just don't want to admit Deeks is sexist because you like him. Whether or not a joke is "innocent" depends, I guess, on the subject and the target. But Deeks' rather repetitive behavior reveals quite a bit about his attitude which is quite sexist.

You're wrong in so many levels about the characters: Sam is not "flawed" and did not have an affair (he might have been in love with her but it did not progress to anything sexual) and he may be "bland" in your opinion, but he's a source of strength and stability for the team; G doesn't have "anger" issues--otherwise, he would have killed the Chameleon in the boat shed; Hetty would NEVER favor Deeks over Callen--first because she doesn't "play" favorites, but second because of their personal history, so that's just laughable from any standpoint! Obviously, you know nothing about the causes of PTSD, either.

I'm looking at the characters as they're written and as they've progressed through the series; you're looking at them as you want them to be, especially your favorite, Deeks.

If you've actually read my comments, you'd know that they're about Deeks, not CEO--who is, I'm sure, a nice guy (I don't comment on the actors except when it comes to their acting ability--and I think CEO's ability is pretty limited because this is the only charcter I've ever seen him portray and I think his job is mediocre, at best). But some of these problems in understanding what I've written may be due to language if English isn't your native language; otherwise, I can't explain your misinterpretation.


You're right, I'm Dutch and English is not my native language.
I still think misinterpretation comes from two sides.

I'll binge watch the seasons to try and see your point.

I did not say that SAM was flawed. your comparison sexism/racism failed IMHO.
Taken in to account the "recent" American history, jokes about skin colour are not done, although amongst the small NCIS group they would be harmless if chosen with care. But I understand it's hard to keep an open mind in that respect.

I'm not so sure about Sam keeping it all clean with the girl; but I'll review.

I don't doubt Sams skills or qualities for the team; though as a person he's not very exiting. Callen is not the easiest person; perhaps not really strong anger issues, but he's at least stubborn.
"Favors" might be the wrong word for Hetty, but she has a soft spot for Deeks. You can see that in her smiles.
PTSD is a name for a rich diversity of symptoms, due to being in a combat zone. Seeing people suffering from starvation, or kids parentless may be a trigger - it doesn't always have to be the bombing, injuries or seeing your mates die.

My initial reply was also addressed to another poster. Some people do confuse the character Deeks with the actor Eric CO.
I think Eric is a decent actor; they can't all be Liev Schreibers or Tom Hiddelstons, can they?


All three of them men (Sam, G and Deekes) are more or less "damaged goods"

That was your comment about the characters. As for Sam being "not very exciting," that's your opinion and you're welcome to it. As for G being "stubborn," perhaps that's in reference to doing what he thinks is right--like rescuing Kensi or trying to save Hetty (or Arkady) or taking action to sink the sub--I'm not sure any of his "stubborn" actions have ever put the team members in danger. You're reading a LOT into Hetty's smiles. 

If you haven't watched from Season 1, you really don't understand the connection between G and Hetty: it has to do with the death of his mother and responsibility. There's no way any "soft spot" she has for Deeks could even come close to her connection to G (even her relationship with Sam is a closer one than the one she has with Deeks).

As for Sam and his relationship with the other woman, Sam's a devout (not radical) Muslim and takes his religious beliefs seriously.

Maybe not having experienced sexism, you think it's less damaging or serious than racism, but like racism, it's often the weapon of choice by those who have inferiority complexes.


I've seen all episodes - but never rewatched those again. We're in season 8 now, hence the binge watching now .

Of course I know about Callen, the death of his mother, father, sister, foster homes, not knowing his first name etc. and Hetty's role in it. That creates a special bond, even an obligation, surely.
It's not his qualities that I doubt; he's a major asset to the team, but on a "personal" level - his EQ perhaps, I don't feel much of a connection. They all fight for the good cause and neither of them - including Kensi - would hesitate to put their lives on the line to save anyone.

Perhaps I read too much in Hetty's smiles, but I think I recognize what's behind them.
It's easy to love your model "child", but often it's the ingenuity and cheekiness and kind nature of the "naughty" child, that makes you smile. Not saying that that should influence possible repercussions - I'm kind of a tough love parent.


G's not a "major asset" to the team; he's the team's leader. Deeks isn't even an NCIS agent; he's an LAPD officer who murdered a man (and lied about it). Do you really think that demonstrates a "kind nature"? You obviously have a deep affection for what Deeks represents. Maybe he reminds you of your children, but in the scheme of NCIS: LA he is secondary to G and Sam--as he should be. The fact that you don't feel much of a connection to G doesn't reflect Hetty's connection, just as my annoyance with Deeks doesn't reflect Hetty's feelings.

And, you DO read too much into Hetty's smiles. Anyone who describes G as a "model" child really doesn't understand him as a character at all! There's no character who shows more love and compassion than G--and that's from the episodes themselves. Your "analysis" of these characters is so superficial and lacking in any actual support from the episodes themselves it proves that "critical thinking" isn't just a problem in the U.S. 


Anyone who describes G as a "model" child really doesn't understand him as a character at all!

I didn't mean Callen - I meant a "model child" in general.
Perhaps Deeks reminds me in some aspects to one of my children; all four of them have master degrees btw and are caring, good natured, easy going and successful.

Traumatised = issues (Callen; Kensi).
According to you Sam is a practicing muslim; how about practical things like praying x times a day, consuming alcohol?

A I stated earlier; I'm going to rewatch the entire series to see what I've missed/forgotten about, including Deeks flaws. ;)

You may say that my "analysis" is too superficial, but perhaps you're delving a bit too deep.
All in all it's meant to be light entertainment, not a psychological drama.


That's great about your kids. 😃

It's easy to love your model "child", but often it's the ingenuity and cheekiness and kind nature of the "naughty" child, that makes you smile.
This was your comment, and since you're saying Hetty's smile indicates her feelings for Deeks, it makes sense that the "naughty" child is Deeks and conversely the "model" child would be G.

When it comes to characters who've been traumatized, you're forgetting Sam being buried alive in Bosnia and Deeks certainly must have experienced some trauma since he shot his father.

Many modern Muslims living in non-Muslim countries actually DO consume alcohol; that's something that's common among Muslims who live in the West and even in some Muslim countries who consider themselves "modern." Also, just because we don't see Sam praying five times a day doesn't mean it doesn't happen (I'm not really interested in watching that).

I may be delving a bit too deep, but I like interesting characters, and I think delving makes them more interesting. Besides, I like to keep the writers honest. 


Thx, I'm blessed with the kids, although sometimes the road was bumpy - four teens under one roof ...

It's easy to love your model "child", but often it's the ingenuity and cheekiness and kind nature of the "naughty" child, that makes you smile.
This was your comment, and since you're saying Hetty's smile indicates her feelings for Deeks, it makes sense that the "naughty" child is Deeks and conversely the "model" child would be G.

Or Sam ....or Kensi

We've got our fair - and growing -share of muslims here; they're either strict/devoted or lost - the modern alcohol consuming type is nearly non existent. And I dare say that The Netherlands are a very modern, tolerant and western country.
Not eager to watch Sam pray either, but the fact could be mentioned every now and then - for good measure.

Sam seems the most stable to me; apparently made a good recovery. In their work traumatizing circumstances happen quite regularly e.g. Sam and Callen "buried" in a submarine and I remember Deeks being tortured too - having his teeth pulled. But as I said they're all more or less a bit damaged - life wasn't too kind to them; but still they're functioning more than ok in their work.
We should be proud!



It's good that all the Olsens feel comfortable with their roles, but there's no SEX when Kensi and Deeks kiss--it's just a nice, sweet, friendly smooch. SEX in a kiss is what happened between Sam & Michelle and Callen & Anna.


I like Deeks. He says really stupid stuff, is weird, but his character has grown. They do not make as good a use of him as they could, but I find him more believable than say, Beale. I like Beale, but move on with his life, because that could be a good storyline. He would make a great mole, but then he would be gone..Better yet, make Granger the mole... Just sayin.



I hope the mole is actually one of the regular characters--not a character we never see--and if it is, then the character who makes the most sense IMO is Deeks. We'll just have to wait and see.


Deeks makes sexist comments. I know a lot of women here (surprisingly) seem to think sexism isn't "sexism" if it's just a "joke" or said by a "cute" white guy who's in love with a woman--which you would think would mean he respects her, but hey, love and respect, for some folks, don't go hand in hand. As for Beale, he's way more fun than Deeks--because he actually IS sweet and true to life as a geek; Beale's not nearly as annoying as "everybody pay attention to ME" Deeks. Plus he treats Nell with the respect she deserves.
