MovieChat Forums > NCIS: Los Angeles (2009) Discussion > Season 8 Premier ****POSSIBLE SPOILERS*...

Season 8 Premier ****POSSIBLE SPOILERS****

I just finished watching this two hour episode. While so many things seemed like reworks of earlier episodes, I quite enjoyed this one. I do have a few thoughts, however.


When they first began this mole hunt a few seasons back, I had a feeling they were setting Nell up to be the mole. This episode, again, leaves me feeling this way. The after thought is, if they are not setting her up to be the mole than they are honing her to replace Hetty.


Since his inception, Season 3 Episode 12, I have continuously told the characters while watching each episode that they really should have shot him when they had the chance that morning. This episode changed my mind completely and I was glad he was there. No, not for ordering the drone attacks. His snide remarks to Duggan made me believe that in the last five years the rest of the team has rubbed off on him. This is a plus.


Finally, it appears that the writers are seeing what I have seen since Nell joined the Ops team, the chemistry between herself and Eric is more of a brother and sister than anything else. The playfulness they shared in this episode really made that shine.

DL Bach


I liked the episodes, but I don't understand why people keep thinking Nell is the mole.

Here's what I think about the mole: it's Deeks. In the "Citadel" episode, the Dr. mentioned that his HL7 test showed he would turn on the LAPD. And there's no love lost between LAPD and Deeks. He became a mole to embarrass the LAPD, but THEN he fell in love with Kensi--and now he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. That's why he was so desperate to quit--and for her to quit--this episode. What will she think if Deeks is the mole? Why hasn't he ever taken up Hetty's offer and applied to be an NCIS agent? When he became liaison, he had no ties to NCIS.


This would be pretty daring of the writers--all those Densi fans would be apoplectic--but it would make their relationship more interesting. Then the team could have two men and two women--until Deeks redeems himself.  But I'm pretty sure that would be too daring, so some unknown team member will end up being the mole like last time!


Nell did sneaked from did guy' speech in bullpen to do something in ops and it looked like she could be a mole, but apparently it was just a backdoor to ops systems that allowed them to use it later on.


It's probably the cleaning lady..


All kidding aside ..I said Nate or Nate however you made a strong case about Deeks. But my question is is it TOO good to be true?


It does kind of make sense--and it would add some desperately needed drama to the whole Densi duo. 


Thinking back over the episode, I think Deeks may be the mole. Deeks has always been concerned about money--even cheating on his income tax, wanting to start a house flipping business, loaning money to Eric as an investment--and yet he seemed desperate that both he and Kensi quit NOW. Maybe he has money stashed somewhere (of course, he can't access it while working for NCIS; that would set off alarm bells). Why is he suddenly not worried about money, especially when he talks about having kids? And if he doesn't have money, then why does he seem so desperate to quit his job NOW? Nothing happened at the end of last season to explain this sudden desire to leave. Something's not right. The writers leave bread crumbs in episodes and they usually lead somewhere.


k. Football ran overtime and threw everything back by 20 minutes. Can someone please fill in the last 20 mins for me?

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog


They run and separate. Deeks and Sam take Kensi Callen goes after the guy they captured. His men show up and corner Callen. Sam and Deeks show up and help fight them off. Eric takes control of a drone and rescues them. Kensington is in bad shape and rushed to mainland after being on aircraft carrier sick Bay. Hetty turns herself in as mole and Under Secretary of Defense takes her to DC. Kensei to be in coma for a while and Deeks partners with Nell.


cool, thanks! I don't see Nell as a field agent. The only time I remember her being in the field is when she was posing as Hetty.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog


Kensi slapping Deeks back on "children" was pretty big. 1, why is he pushing so hard now, 2nd, this is the biggest crisis in their relationship the have ever had imo. Deeks wants out and it showed.


Nell has worked the field quite a few times in the past actually and she worked as Deeks' temporary field partner when Kensi was in Afghanistan during the "White Ghost" storyline.

I think Nell worked quite well as a field agent, and surprisingly I found their partnership to be much less annoying than Densi, so I'm looking forward to seeing Nell & Deeks working together again.


If Nell IS the mole (which I seriously doubt) then Hetty should retire (IMO) because after Callen and Sam, Hetty has shared more important information with Nell than any other member of the unit, and if Hetty was duped by Nell, then she's no longer qualified to run the unit.


Unless Hetty knew about Nell all along and fed her bogus information. Or she discovered it after the fact and kept her in place to see who she's working for. I thought Nate at first,then Nell. Guess we'll find out eventually.
