Ok so Kensi

Squeezes Hetty's hand because she recognized her voice. Could it be she doesn't recognize Dildos voice? I'm still convinced she'll has amnesia of some kind. And if Deeks is the mole(to convenient), I think Kensi probably discovered or heard something about Deeks before she slipped into a coma. I just pray Deeks is the mole so he can be shot, decapitated, blown up, or stabbed several times and written off the show. Or worst case scenario he gets framed and set up..guess we'll have to wait and see.


I think it was more that Hetty ORDERED Kensi to squeeze her hand... and everybody knows that it is not a good thing to disobey Hetty (well, except when G goes rogue...)


Seems you hate Deeks--but none of the regulars are going to be the mole and they aren't getting rid of Deeks.


I agree, they will have to be creative to make it worthwhile.


Well, if they don't get rid of Martin--which would be a shame because if anyone deserves to be dumped it's him--the very least they can do is break up that most boring of couples, Densi. That couple just ruins the show (IMO--for all the Densi fanatics out there).


Can't abide Martin! Yuck! Boring and juvenile! 😝 If he's not the mole (too bad), maybe he'll finally realize that he's not cut out for this work and quit. 👍👏👌
