If you would pay attention to this board- a rare occurrence in our modern short attention society- you'd realize this is a weekly post honoring this entertaining program.
Since you didn't pay attention Butch, I'll have to send you off into the sunset via the ignored member list for making such a helpful comment.
Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you. -Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters
❌ Deeks isn't a federal employee; he's LAPD ❌ the unit wasn't being "shut down"; employees were being reassigned ❌ the US has a presence in Jordan (their destination before Syria--with weapons and suits) ❌ Hetty wasn't resigning; she was being arrested (and even if she were resigning, she'd have to clean out her desk) ❌ maybe a non-Navy case but a federal case, and NCIS is a federal agency ❌ ever hear of "probable cause"? no need for a warrant ❌ Callen and Sam asked permission to enter the house (and we never saw Callen inside) ❌ shooting at a suspect on a beach boardwalk crowded with civilians? Seriously?
On assignment to the federal government. To be fair, either way he's on the taxpayer's dime engaging in sketchy behavior.
the unit wasn't being "shut down"; employees were being reassigned
From the script: I was blowing up your phone. Why? What's going on? Because we're getting fired. (exhales) I'm not that late. This whole unit's getting shut down. Let's go.
the US has a presence in Jordan (their destination before Syria--with weapons and suits)
They may have one in Antarctica as well, the point was any travel/large expenses while under investigation/review.
Hetty wasn't resigning; she was being arrested (and even if she were resigning, she'd have to clean out her desk)
Agreed as to not resigning, which is why I wrote she was retiring. Her cleaning out the desk followed her retirement comment. She was never arrested up to the point my DVR cut off (last 10 minutes or so). Reading the script it appears she was arrested later, but my comment dealt with her "retirement" line. Again, from the script: Please tell me you have a plan. Actually I do. It's called retirement.
maybe a non-Navy case but a federal case, and NCIS is a federal agency
Tired old allegation, same response. Read the actual NCIS mission statement: http://www.ncis.navy.mil/COREMISSIONS/Pages/default.aspx The Naval Criminal Investigative Service serves to protect the people, equipment, technology and infrastructure of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps by deploying a unique, highly-trained, and effective team of Special Agents, investigators, forensic experts, security specialists, analysts, and support personnel.
ever hear of "probable cause"? no need for a warrant
Yes, I was in police work for almost 30 years. You're either thinking of arrests, which this was not, or exigent circumstances. As one that has sat on similar buildings waiting for a search warrant, it would be a stretch to call what they did being due to exigent circumstances. A court would ask if they could have reasonably obtained a warrant, and if there would have been any harm due to a delay as a result of doing so. The answers using the information depicted were yes on the warrant, and no on the delay- other than it makes for boring TV viewing.
Callen and Sam asked permission to enter the house (and we never saw Callen inside)
Irrelevant. That was after the fact since Kensi & Deeks both entered prior to poorly executed beard guy and the trained seal making contact with the occupant.
shooting at a suspect on a beach boardwalk crowded with civilians? Seriously?
Why not? This show is so over the top on action I was actually let down they didn't crank off some rounds towards him.
Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you. -Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters
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Whoa, DA, I always enjoy and usually get a good laugh out of your Homeland Security updates, but methinks that you might need to switch to decaf this season... 😓
Whoa, DA, I always enjoy and usually get a good laugh out of your Homeland Security updates, but methinks that you might need to switch to decaf this season...
Thanks. Fortunately, unlike elections IMDB is not a popularity contest. I had already reached my limit of negative people for the week prior to the last two here. While it's unlikely the typical "one and done" type of negative poster would respond, I usually like to let other members know why they are being ignored so they can understand why there is no follow up on their comment.
Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you. -Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters
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Prefer posters who don't take themselves--or their comments--so seriously. It's not like anyone's an "expert" on NCIS: LA; we're viewers--or not. (I know, DA now will block me 'cause I dared post something "negative." Sheesh, like that's a big deal.) 😜
I know, DA now will block me 'cause I dared post something "negative."...
Nope, you're not ignored by me since you didn't post an insult. I have no problem with reasonable discussions. I have no time for people that just want to hurl insults and add nothing of value to a discussion.
Prefer posters who don't take themselves--or their comments--so seriously.
That's why there is an ignore list.
I do take what I post seriously- when someone posts contrary information that is not factually supported, I'll point it out as I did.
Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you. -Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters
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