Glad to see I am not the only one fed up with this endless "Densi Show" drama. The Deeks character has always been annoying, but the past 2 seasons have made him so annoying and irritating that I actually have to fast forward whenever he talks.
Hahaha! I always hit the mute whenever Martin starts talking and I'm watching the show "live" (and have for the past two seasons), but I just fast forward when watching the DVR and the dreaded "Densi" pair appear on screen! I never miss anything important! 😂
You're DEFINITELY not alone. IMO, Densi is the worst thing about the show; NCIS: LA is a crime drama, not a soap opera or novella. But if the writers feel as though they HAVE to include a "relationship," I'd prefer one involving Callen and not Shaggy.
Me, too. I'm hoping Martin's either the mole--and gets put in the slammer or killed--or that he's not "man" enough to deal with Kensi's condition (whatever that may be) and surfs off into the sunset--even though he sucks at surfing.
"Densi" is one of the worst couples pairing on TV! They are great as friends and partners but the couple thing is absurd. Proposing to a woman in a coma? One of the worst scenes in history of the show. Thank goodness Deeks wasn't calling Kensi "baby" in last episode - that was beyond annoying when he did that in Belly of the Beast.
What I find most annoying is that people insist on making a "couple" name for every relationship. "Densi", "Brangelina", "Bennifer"... Makes me want to hurl.
Agree! Why is that? So, when you hook up with somebody, you're suddenly not an individual anymore? I think it's the "cutesy girls" and the media who do that; not a lot of guys refer to couples by their "couple" names.
I agree. I don't watch these types of shows for romantic relationships between team members, I think it makes the show worse. And I've never really been a fan of Deeks at all, he's supposed to be like the clown that makes the show funny (much like DiNozzo was on the original show) but I don't find his personality and shenanigans funny at all. The funniest part of this show is the dynamic between Callen and Sam.
I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand
Have to agree with you about Deeks--not funny (although DiNozzo was more professional in his comments and definitely in the way he dressed--Deeks just looks like a slob most of the time--even when he wasn't "sleeping at the hospital").
Love the banter between Callen and Sam! Also not a fan of Deeks--or "Densi." That relationship--like most on shows of this kind--sucks all the air out of the action. Besides, there's no way he'd ever work for LAPD or Kensi would ever fall for such a dork. And why does a grown man have a Prince Valiant haircut (if you can call it a haircut)?
Yep, putting Densi together was the worst thing that could have happened to this show. Their relationship drama has totally taken away from the fabric of what this show is supposed to be, which is a crime drama. It was bad last year, where screen time was devoted to them talking about who's house is messier, having kids, and getting married. And this season, we're seeing screentime taken away from the main story to show Deeks looking over Kensi in the hospital. This season seems to be stuck in the mud with this storyline.
Now we see why the writers of NCIS didn't want to make Tony and Ziva a couple.
Memphis Raines: I'm a little tired, a little wired, and I think I deserve a little appreciation!
Agree completely! It's always better when character relationships don't become romantic--the tension is always more interesting (the only crime show I can think of that had excellent dramatic tension between two romantically involved characters that didn't slow the show down was The Closer--Brenda and Fritz--but she fought with everybody ).
At least Densi is getting less air time (so far) this season. I hope that continues. I'd even be satisfied if they both retired. 👍
I'm thinking the character they introduced in the last episode who pushed her to work harder by competition may change the romantic scenario. He's competitive enough to interest her and hot enough to interest most women. Deeks adolescent adoration will wear on the adult Kensi eventually.
That description is perfect: "adolescent adoration." My feelings exactly!! Sullivan is DEFINITELY more mature and he nailed Deeks EXACTLY with his description before ever having met him.