Writers with ADHD

Okay, I may be way off, but I'm beginning to wonder if some of the writers suffer from ADHD; they can't seem to stick with one "thread" of a story line for more than 5 minutes--and if the "thread" is good, I find that REALLY annoying. How can you really develop something worthwhile in that short amount of time? I mean, there was too much comic relief in Glasnost: the whole scene at the prison was overdone and overlong, Beale at the sidewalk cafe--too long and made him look stupid, and the scene by the dumpster--too long. These minutes could have been put to better use in developing the drama not repetitive comic relief. I'd rather have seen a heart-to-heart scene between Callen and Hetty which would have been more in keeping with the story. I like comic relief; it just doesn't have to be in every episode and multiple times in one episode. It is supposed to be a crime show. 😬


Ok-but the NCIS trio has always had some comic relief in every episode. Some will have more than others at times. This time happened to be more. Look at this way, it's rare for Beale to be out in the field-which is when we would see a lot of him.


Too much Beale this episode and too much slapstick. He's been funny--but not stupid--in ops. Great scene with Nell when he wore the kilt: "You weren't wearing appropriate undergarments or you weren't wearing undergarments at all?" In comedy, like everything else, sometimes less is more. He's a geek and a brilliant one, not a buffoon.


as much as I enjoyed the funny slapstick with Eric in this ep...but I have to agree that he was acting like a total buffoon in this ep, Eric is a brilliant geek and occasionally he can be funny and silly and make for a good comedic relief...but yes, I do agree with you that in this particular ep, he was acting especially buffoonish...he usually doesn't behave this way.
But he had me in stitches in this ep anyway


Agree there was too much humor in "Glasnost" and it was inappropriate given the story line--kind of like putting in lots of humor in an episode like "Reznikov, N.," "Internal Affairs," or "Revenge Deferred" and Beale seemed too silly. I like humor when it's appropriate ("Reign Fall" or "The Gold Standard") and humorous episodes ("Blame It On Rio" and "Black Budget"). The checkers scene was sweet and went with the whole feel of the episode. Now, if the writers can just reign in their funny bones--and Beale--a little and keep the humor as an accent.
