Lange's Car
Was that a Fiat Spyder?
I think it was her replica 1955 Porsche Spyder.
shareIt is a replica of "Little bastard". the car the James Dean was killed in.
The most important thing is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.
1955 Porsche Spyder
sharehere are some pictures of "Little bastard" the car James dean died in
The most important thing is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.
A 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder--whatever name Dean gave it.
shareHave you considered that there was a reason why she has that car. Out of all the thousands of different models of car that have been manufactured do you thing they chose that make and model because it was a random choice, or is it more likely that it was chosen is the fact it happens to be an iconic car. The chose it because it was the same make and model James dean was killed in.
By using the same reasoning and logic lets say that the producers had her drive an Aston Martin DB5 and the same question came up about the model car. The short an obvious answer would be an Aston Martin DB5 which is correct but only partially correct because the Aston Martin DB5 was the car James Bond drove in the movies. The 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder is not the full and complete answer because thither car was was chosen because it was a the same make and model as James Dean's "Little Bastard"
The most important thing is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.
I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill for it
If boxing is a manly sport why do they fight for a purse?
But the make and model--whatever the name Dean gave the car--is a 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder. The rest is just semantics.
shareBut it is not the complete answer. I'll give one example and if you agree fine if you do not agree no hard feelings.
If they were to show someone using a gun and someone asked what kind of gun it was, let's assume that it was a Mannlicher Carcano rifle. Now that is the correct answer but not the complete answer. If you left out the fact that it happened to be the same type gun that Lee Harvey Oswald used gives the person that asked the question the complete answer to the question.
I have seen the car in other episodes before and I believe that they chose that car because of it's history.
By the way I do not believe in ghosts and spooks but if you do some research about the real "Little Bastard" it is almost enough for a person such as I that does not believe in that stuff to almost change my mind and believe the cars has some weird stuff going on.
The most important thing is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.
I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill for it
If boxing is a manly sport why do they fight for a purse?
Don't mean to butt in, but I think the original questions was just about the make and model.
shareNo worries. It's a public thread. That's what I thought, too, but I appreciate the history. I'm sure they chose the car because of James Dean. Remember Hetty's comment to Anna: "A beautiful car for a beautiful man." Anyway, it is a beautiful car no matter the history. I also like McQueen's Mustang in Bullitt and, of course, Sam's Challenger.
sharebliss_pepper you made and excellent comment that I wish I had thought of, and I am not being sarcastic.
The comment you made about the "Bullitt Mustang" reminded me of something. I believe the show was "Blue Bloods".
There was an episode about a Mustang that was stolen. Now if someone asked what kind of car was stolen, a person could answer correctly that it was a 1968 Mustang GT 390. However if they did not include the fact it was Steve McQueen's Bullitt Mustang a very important piece of information would have been left out. Nes pa?
The most important thing is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.
I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill for it
If boxing is a manly sport why do they fight for a purse?
You're right about the added value for McQueen's Mustang! I would have loved to take that ride in SF with McQueen--or anywhere, for that matter!
shareMaybe hettys hair is really a Jedi helmet? Deeks hair is probably full of man goo!
Oh No did I say that?