Nell is NOT the Mole

All you folks who thought Nell was the mole--looks like you'll have to guess again! 😀
In the 11/27 episode "Sirens," Nell is sent to talk to Carl to extract more information from him which should be interesting since he tried to kill her "partner" in ops. Also, the mole seems to be going after Callen now (first Sam's family, now Callen--who's next?). This season is tense! 😱


Didn't think she was (still wish Deeks could be involved--just wishful thinking on my part).


I was hoping she wasn't the mole and I'm glad she's not...I think most people were speculating that it's either Nell or Granger, but I think they both would be too obvious choices...I want to be surprised, so I'm hoping it's someone else less obvious who the team knows and is familiar with. I don't want it to be another random nobody character that we haven't seen before (like the first mole)...


I think that the mole is Arkady's daughter.


Anna? Don't see that; no motivation. Her only interaction with NCIS has been positive. Besides, she wasn't even aware of NCIS until she was kidnapped and taken to Moscow.


Still wondering what Nell downloaded just as the Duggan's investigative team was entering in ep 8.1. And why. Was she protecting NCIS? Hetty? Or preserving incriminating info?


I think she was making the backdoor Eric mentioned so that they "didn't need no stinkin' badges." 
