Dead Air Deeks
Ok, I'm just gonna say it--Liked the episode but there was too much Deeks dead air time. This is what happened in season 7. The writers spent precious minutes "showcasing" that moron instead of using the time to forward the plot. That whole bit with the receptionist. Who the hell CARES where she proposed? How was this useful information? He'd already covered this with Sam. And the bit in the interrogation room by himself? Again, a WASTE OF TIME. Use that time to move the plot forward; give us some USEFUL information--not more of this clown. They don't give us Callen and Sam alone in their interrogation rooms. Why not? I'd rather watch them or listen to Eric and Nell or listen to a conversation between Hetty and Kensi. I hope they don't revert to their past mistakes and give Deeks more air time than he deserves--and he deserves no more than 6 minutes on his own.