The mole story line.

So is the mole story going to continue through the season? The run of the show? I wish it would wrap up, I'm getting tired of it.


that makes two of us


It's wrapping up in two more episodes.


I've found that I NEVER like any ongoing stories on either of the NCIS series that I watch. The original NCIS, when that show has long-term arcs, I pretty much tune out. They're boring. I think the writers on this show stink at writing those stories. (Among other things.)

Of course, lately I've only been watching NCIS-LA sporadically, because of football.


I think every other episode this season has "wrapped up" the actual case in the hour with maybe some things continuing, like Kensi's recovery and Callen's relationship with Garrison. Personally, I like this story arc.


The mole will go to the end of the year, when the revelation happens.


I thought it was gonna be resolved in two more episodes?


It wraps up in two more episodes.


I've read this is a 3 part story arc and mole will be revealed so we got 2 more episodes to go.


It's a three prt arc but I'm sure I read somewhere that this won't be the end of the mole...


So technically the mole story line won't be 'wrapped up' in 2 more episodes. Wrapped up for me would be mole & all connections sent to the prison where Janvier is or killed.


Can't believe anybody would want this wrapped up now. It is the biggest arc on the show in years. It should not end until the end of the season.


the reason why some people want this mole story arc to wrap up soon is because they have dragged this story out for long enough since last season...and not to mention this is not the first time that they have used a mole storyline on NCIS:LA...remember that we already had a mole storyline that dragged out for a while in previous seasons. Now we have learned that this current mole story arc is connected to the mole story we had before, which means that technically this whole mole story arc has been dragging on since at least season 5 or so. Hence it's time they end it soon, because this mole storyline has been spanning for 3 or 4 seasons now.


My apologies, I'm sorry if this has been discussed before...

I only watch this show occasionally, so after watching the last ep "Hot Water" I'm really lost. Can anyone clue me in as to when this whole mole storyline started?

And does anyone care to share a cliffs notes summary, of sorts, about Deeks' cold case? ;) If not, perhaps point me to the ep I need to watch to get caught up?


I'll try to sum it up: someone had been leaking info about NCIS cases and agents in earlier episodes. In the episode Traitor, they caught Carl, an IT guy who'd been leaking intel. They discovered that he worked for someone, Natalie Grant, who was captured and killed in Sirens. She also worked for someone, Heather, the woman Kensi kidnapped from the hospital in this episode. It turns out that there is more than one mole, someone very close to the team. Earlier in the season, Hetty submitted a post-dated letter of resignation effective after 90 days if the mole(s) hadn't been caught. Hence, Duggan's visit.

Deeks case is the episode Internal Affairs. Unlike the agents who've been framed, Deeks actually DID kill the man, but LAPD didn't have enough evidence to prosecute him.


looks like it's going to wrap up in the next 2 episodes or so...not much longer to wait.
