I've been looking at Inception again after about not looking at it for a few years. It got me thinking...Could the whole movie be about Cobb getting over the death of his wife?
The whole movie is just a thought, a momentary doubt: what if my wife doesn't love me? The entire movie is the mind experiencing an unsettling succession of feelings originating from that initial thought, and regaining balance.
Observe the very first scene of the movie: Cobb is nearly drowning on the shore of a beach.
Later in the movie, Cobb talks to Ariadne about "
we wound up on the shore of our own subconscious"Then we see Ariadne and Cobb reaching the limbo by emerging from the ocean, on a beach.
The whole team fell into the river, in that van, from the bridge.
Engulfing water, is thus a metaphor for "diving into the unconscious".
The beach is the "place" where stuff is stored into the unconscious.
So, the very first scene of the movie, means "everything you see from here on, is imagined in the unconscious".
Now, take a look at the name Cobb. in English you have the word 'cob' - head, from Old English copp - top, head
Then take a look at the name Mal. in English, you have the word 'mal-' - evil, wrong, ill, forming words like 'malady', 'malaise', 'malfunction', 'malevolent'. from French. Marion Cotillard is French, and Mal's song is Je ne Regrete Rien - by Edith Piaf - French singer.
Later in the movie, Cobb spells it all out:
You're just a shade. You're just a shade of my real wife.Jungian psychology defines the Shade, as a collection of unpleasant impulses, hidden in the unconscious, because they would destabilize us if we'd be aware of them at all times.
Mal inside Cobb, is thus a metaphor for "unpleasant thoughts hidden in the unconscious".
So, Mal is not the subject's real wife (what fcvked up name is that?!), but "unpleasant thoughts towards his wife".
The whole movie is a destabilizing thought experienced by the subject, that he shakes back into oblivion; subject then proceeds to the kitchen with his kids, as their mom - his wife, called them to eat. He is restored to balance.