MovieChat Forums > Inception (2010) Discussion > too much action scenes

too much action scenes

the action in this movie feels like filler to please the masses. it doesn't fit the intelligent plot. it seems like nolan is desperate to make the movie more action filled. but the action doesn't move the plot forward, so it feels like it's there just for the sake of being there. watching the movie for the second time, i felt really bored by the action scenes, while the scenes that really moved the story forward were well written.


Did you google "how to sound pretentious" because it sounds like that's what you did. "Oh my the masses, I'm an intellectual, fight scenes are just sooooo bourgeois!"

Try googling "difference between too much and too many." You might then sound like you're actually intelligent while pretending to be.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


english is not my first language. i don't have any obligation to know the difference between too much and too many.
i may have sound pretentious but that was not the intention. actions scenes are good. the best movie of 2015 was mad max fury road, after all. the problem is the action scenes in this movie don't fit. they feel inconsistent and forced. it looks like michael bay rewrote and directed a stanley kubrick script. both times i watched the movie i was really interested by all scenes that developed the story and was bored by the action scenes. that's all i said, you just assumed i was trying to sound intellectual even though my avatar is a man who did brazilian horror movies filled with naked women and bloody scenes FOR THE MASSES in the 60's (guess you forgot to google who's in my avatar picture, after all)


That's just what I've been thinking!The action scenes weren't necessary.They made the movie look less philosophical.


The movie is not philosophical. It's entertainment first and foremost. Nolan developed a unique architecture of the mind to tell a story.

For me, I've never considered Nolan a great action scene director. Several of the action scenes were mundane (city shootout & mountain), and several were spectacular (rotating hallway and the antigravity scenes.)

👿 I know something you don't know ... I am ambidextrous!


Yep thats what I was thinking too. When I look back on the movie, I dont think about the action scenes at all, I think about the dreaming and characters becoming stuck in limbo. The husband and wife screwing up their own minds by experimenting with going further into their subconscious until they cant even recognize reality anymore was very touching and stayed with me more than any other part of the movie. I keep thinking that if this had leaned more into the psychological thriller genre and less into the action it would've been that much better but I'm admittedly biased because I dont generally like action movies anyway.


I agree, and the dreams collapsing and the sky folding. The action was meant to be that the target's brain had been trained to fight invaders, but I think he could have come up with something better than generic action scenes.


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