MovieChat Forums > Cloud Atlas (2012) Discussion > Just wanted to watch this for the racial...

Just wanted to watch this for the racial transformations

Haha I thought it was cool

They didn't look that convincing but most of them could pass as real people of mixed race or just looked like a different person. Though I think Mickey Rooney looked more convincing as awful Mr. Yunioshi in Breakfast At Tiffany's lol

I guess it's hard to judge that since each person's unique face will need different technical applications of makeup. But it wasn't even nearly as good as the makeup artists could on YouTube

That's all. The end.


They didn't look that convincing but ...

... they weren't supposed to be 'convincing' by design.

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Oh I see like the goal was really just to make them recognizable. Sorry I hope I didn't sound offensive


Oh I see like the goal was really just to make them recognizable.

No. Perhaps this description will help:

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Thank you and that's interesting, I was not expecting that. Well, scape, I mean scrap my thoughts then


... they weren't supposed to be 'convincing' by design.

What about Bae Doona as a Spanish woman and as Tilda? That didn't serve any purpose nor was it about 'face-scaping' as that only happens in the future.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


You're right, my reply was too face-scaping-centric.

The other transformations I think were just to use the small group of actors for a large number of roles. The purposes for this is a topic of open discussion, but I for one found most of them convincing, such as Doona as Tilda. There were other transformations that were so convincing, that I didn't realize who they were until reading the credits, such as Susan Sarandon as Yusouf Suleiman.

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I think Tom Hanks was convincing in all his roles, but Bae Doona as the Spanish woman and Tilda were rather cringeworthy for me, as well as Halle Berry as Jocasta. Oh and Jim Sturgess as Hae-Joo Chang definitely.

And I'm saying this as one of Bae Doona's biggest fans. In fact, the main reason I watched this movie was because she was in it.

I appreciate the idea behind breaking racial and gender barriers by having the same actors play across races and genders, but it doesn't work in some cases, at least for me. Hugo Weaving was pretty damn good as Nurse Noakes though I must say. I knew she was played by a man, but he was so convincing as a manly nurse that I didn't give it much thought really and didn't figure out it was Weaving until the end.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
