MovieChat Forums > Cloud Atlas (2012) Discussion > Everything is connected! And who cares?

Everything is connected! And who cares?

This has to be the most over-hyped movie of all time. Literally since light was captured on film.

And no, I don't enjoy Jim Carrey movies or mindless explosions.

Boring, pretencious, pretends to be deep, but has nothing to say......

That is all.


It's not really over hyped... It has a small section of critics and fans who love it, but it barely made any money and doesn't have very good reviews..

That being said, I disagree.

The movie was about the value of standing up for yourself. It was about the value of helping others, and the ways that you can positively impact the lives of others. It was about the power of storytelling. It was about making the most of the fleeting time we have on Earth. This movie was about so much.

It was overwhelmingly optimistic, so maybe it was a little too 'sappy' for your tastes? Idk. But it seems a bit silly to write it off as meaningless.



I think he means that it wasn't overwhelmingly positive in its reception from critics. Simply good.

Film Reverie:
My film diary:


You just don't get it it do you? It's not a kind of film for you try watching Sharknado maybe you will enjoy it haha.


It's always so easy to see the fools who don't understand a film. They all use the same word: pretentious.

Sometimes they even spell it correctly, but not this time.

and this one gave Machete Kills a 10. Fun film? sure, but a 10? LOL Yeah, you do like mindless explosions.


Oooh, SNAP!


Yeah, normally I don't like replies like yours because I find it ironic and silly to bash them back for not liking a movie and then you sort of condescend a film like Machete, which I haven't watched but I'm sure it has its merits too and you just like the OP are being a butt about it.

But, that line about "pretentious" was funny so this was a good one



The film was a complete mess. They should have told it in the same way it was delivered in the novel.

