MovieChat Forums > Cloud Atlas (2012) Discussion > What's the point of this movie?

What's the point of this movie?

At about 2hours 30min I understood that the stories weren't meant to connect in the end. So was it just a 3 hour movie full of lots of intercut short stories that were supposed to make the point of the movie even stronger? In that case, wouldn't it have been more impactful through fewer stories? Quality versus quantity and all that.

The film engaged me because it's original but I can't work out what gives it worth aside from originality. Why is it considered to be such a "great" film. It's a masterpiece of creativity but... what's the point? Just that reincarnation is something the director thinks is a possibility? ... I feel like that's a pretty lame point to communicate through such a long and detailed film.

It was also just really depressing. The guy I cared most about kills himself for no apparent reason. The girl I cared most about is slaughtered like a pig after delivering some kind of speech that's meant to be a philosophical epiphany about existence and instead is just an "epiphanot" – weak and pseudo intellectual. The badass who rescues her is instantly killed in the most pitiful rebellion scene I have ever seen. The "Union" is never explained. The "Fall" is never explained. Sonmi's goddess status is never explained (unless it all somehow came from her epiphanot speech). Quite honestly I didn't care a fig for any of the other characters though at times they added a little bit of comic relief.

I'd love to be convinced of how amazing this film is so that I don't remember watching it with regret. Thanks guys.


Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future. Dorme bene.


Perfect. Either people 'got' this movie or they didn't. Made perfect sense to me.


our actions influence everyone and everything around us... history repeats itself inexorably until people strain against the established order... we define ourselves by our actions and the effects they have echo across time...

so pleasantly surprised by this movie, biased as I read the book - and other books by the same author - long before seeing the film, but it's a masterpiece.


Love your quote to this movie.


Each story was actually connection, each actor essentially played the exact same character. They all seemed different because it was their souls getting reincarnated through the centuries.

I will not fear, fear is the mind killer


I'd say the real point of this post is that it shows the dangers of what bad modern education does to someone's mind.

Unless your life has bottomed out and you are making your living as a film critic or on tenured at some stuffy university, why the hell is your taste in movies defined by what possible/imaginary meanings that could be there?

This movie could have themes to be studied and read out of it. But that is an academic exercise, not really the point of it as a fictional story. It has to sell itself to be entertained by it's audience before people will look at it to study it.

If you let your entertainment life be ruled by this bad education run awry your only going to be far too pessimistic and miss a hell of a lot in your short time alive. Don't be like the TC, educate yourself better people.


Very nice! Yes! I read so many people seemingly lost at what they see, and it is because of their closed mind. They have not learned to open it to whatever they are experiencing and then realize that what they think is right or good or life is just a limited view on the vastitude of life and that they simply shut down what is shown to them effortlessly as being part of the immensity of life.


There is no point to the movie. It was written by two bad screenwriters whose "best" films they didn't even come up with, but ripped off from some lady 20 years ago.

The film had no "greater" meaning and wasted 2 and a half hours of my life that I will never get back. (Thanks Wachowski brothers.)

That is why Time labeled it the worst movie of 2012, and I would go further to say one of the worst movies of 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 combined. HORRIBLE GARBAGE THAT LOST OVER 100 MILLION DOLLARS. PATHETIC.


You mean the Wachowski siblings? Lana is a woman.


But Larry is a man, so Wachowski brothers.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


so, brother AND sister, i.e siblings right? ;P

over and out


If I'm up to date with all the transgendering, it's now "sisters".

"You've got lovely eyes Dee-Dee, never noticed them before, are they real?"


Larry has trangendered too. He is now Lilly.


No wait, Andy is now Lilly. My bad.


I wonder what "her" DNA has to say about it;)


To me, not only every story, but every scene was amazing. The things each character said at different points were either so very true, moving or just thought-provoking. The imagery, filmography and omg the make-up were superb. The bits of humor were great. The 1,000 nuances one catches upon repeated viewings ... the little quips .... wow. When Somni was talking to the Archivist right toward the very end; it gave me chills. When she answers his question with: "someone already believes ..." I can picture him going out and continuing the revolution. My question would be, how can anyone not see so much to love in/about this movie?


I would also like an explanation of the point of the movie. Anyone? At one point I simply stopped trying to understand and I assumed it would be explained in the end but no. In the end it just seems like a collection of stories with no point.


An explanation? Are you kidding me?
They were all connected. If you missed that then you should just stay with X-Men or Transformers.


Yours is the typical "elitist" response. The sad truth is, this movie plodding, derivative, pretentious, trite, and everything else a stereotypical "art school student" snob likes to lord over the masses just so they can be in some "special" club that doesn't even exist. This movie drives home the undeniable fact that The Wachowskis, along with Quentin Tarantino are ready to take their place amongst the rest of the pseudo-intellectual artsy-fartsy hack filmmakers.


"elitist" i see. just because i happen to notice something that is fundamental to this movie. i guess these days having a brain is elitist then...

as far as your comment on Tarantino...enough said on that.


i guess these days having a brain is elitist then...

Sadly you speak truth. Judging from the comments from the "Transformers are deep yo... aliens,... On the moon. ALIENS!" viewers.

If you have a brain, and know how to use it,... you are among the Elite. :P


Judging from the comments from the "Transformers are deep yo... aliens,... On the moon. ALIENS!" viewers.

Do you also stereotype Star Trek fans as pedantic nerds who use a lot of technobabble?

If you have a brain, and know how to use it,... you are among the Elite. :P

And are you and those like you the ones who know exactly how all of us should be using our brains? Corollary: Is agreeing with you and those who think like you the "correct" or "Elite" way to use our brains?


no, having a brain is not eliteist. but responding to a serious question with mere insult and not giving anything as an answer is pitiful. if you do have a brain, you could provide an answer or insights to those who did not follow the plot, for whatever reason.


actually an explanation was given. if you failed to notice that then you should read properly before you talk.


sorry, i read threads actually threaded. hence i do not know what anyone said in other branches.


you can easily see by looking back


Yours is the typical "elitist" response.

Exactly. This stupid response of "go watch Transformers" is just idiotic. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but heaven forbid you not like a so-called "classic."

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Cannot agree more with what Emkay has said: I was stunned when I saw this movie. What on earth can one find in this movie? Such a bad movie can be regarded as deep only in the United States!


Its just a message movie.

Slavery, the holocaust, race and gender discrimination is bad.

Freedom, civil rights is good.

We should all love each other no matter what or who they are, yada
yada, yada. Yes, we already know all this. Thank you Hollywood for
teaching us a life lesson. They should just rename this movie
Snowpiercer 2.



The film could just not be for you, and that's okay. But I'll try to discuss why I love it...

The stories aren't random and disconnected. They're connected literally and thematically.

Each story directly affects the next, and it does so through a form of media. (The Movie about Cavendish is watched by the clone, and it inspires her to stand up for herself against a nasty customer. Somni's speech is read and idolized by an entire civilization, who are inspired to be better people by it.)

Also, each story is linked thematically. In every story, a section of humanity is oppressed for a different reason. And in every story, we see someone stand up against this injustice and try to change it. (Frobisher standing against homophobia, Luisa standing against sexism and capitalism, etc.)

These stories mean more when they come together and create a tapestry of love, bravery, and life... The stories play off of one another and feed off of one another to drive home it's medsages. It's about the resilience of the human spirit, the value of standing against injustice, the ways that you alone can touch others lives in the present and in the future, the value of social change, the power of the media to inspire and entertain, and how insignificant the barriers that humanity constantly constructs really are (gender, race, sexuality, etc. This last point is driven home by the characters playing across races and even genders.)

A lot of people get a lot of different things from the film, but that's what I got lol. Your mileage may vary, but to me it was an enormously touching and entertaining experience. I think you might get more out of it if you give it another chance... But again, the film could just not be for you. And that's ok! But it certainly isn't a random/meaningless film.


Ah. I didn't see the clones watching a movie and I didn't realized the asian's speach was being heard. Didn't get that the gays guys made a stance for gay rights.


Yes, has it been a while since you have seen the film?

Somni's speech was broadcast live, and in the future/apocalypse story, a character is at one point seen with a little book containing Somni's words.

But as to Frobisher, it's not like he took a huge step in the fight for gay rights. Some if the characters just did small things, not necessarily revolutionary like Somni. Frobisher mostly just refused to be blackmailed and bullied by Vivian.


huge step in the fight for gay rights


Why would you simply be politically correct and jump to gay rights, especially as "gay" in 1930s had nothing to do with poofters


I didn't say he made a huge step for gay rights.

He happened to be gay and also a prostitute, and he was discriminated against by Vivian. But he refused to be bullied. (But unfortunately killed himself.) he was discriminated against for multiple reasons. Don't make up stuff that I didn't say...


He wasn't a prostitute. Where did you get that from?

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Vivian references his past towards the end and threatens to leak his past activities to blackmail him. It's only alluded to I guess. But it's there


There isn't a single coclusion of this movie... when you ask what is about there are many answers: is about life, about death, about how everything is conected and how our actions, no matter how small or big are can affect the future... is about love and courgae... is about not giving up on trying to be that ''one in a million'' and do extraordinary things even if you may fail... is about the fact that many times the life has no epic conclusion, and you are just a piece of a much bigger structure... the message of the movie is quite philosophical and spiritual.

About details of the movie, it was actually explained if you had pain enaf attention. Maybe is better to see the movie at home on DVD, or see it 2 times.

- the dude, commited suicide because he couldn't fullfill his plan: his reputation was that of a prostitute, and like the old man said no one would give a *beep* about his work. His love was without future too, as homosexuality was a taboo back then. And more importantly he murdered the old man, so it was only a matter of time until he was caught and trown in jail.

- About Sonmin 402 and the Union: the Union was a rebelious group that was formed in the Slums of Seul. They wanted to show the truth about servants to the world, abolish that slavery system. The Union initialy tried to use the other girl (who rebeled first), they probably revealed the truth to her at some point, and was an agent (or a replicant who had a free will, as they wanted; but she failed, yet Sonmin was influenced by her, so the Union chose Sonmin. In the final battle... well it wasn't actually a final battle. The members of the union fighted to give Sonmin time to finish her speech. Sonimn's speech was transmited all over the world, and it was actually a ''succes''. That is what created the Fall. It was a war, probably a Civil World between the Union amd the suportive population and the Unimanity... and maybe the aliens/4 worlds... there proofs for that, in the tribal future we see ruins of the old world, and there are problems with the radiations, Meronym say that Seul has no life now too. Basically what that Sonmins message awakened the population to revolt agaist system, and she become a symbol of freedom (that why she has statues), after the apocaliptic war, some parts of the civilization was trown in the tribal era, but they did not forgot Sonmin, so they worshiped her as a God. The only ones who knew the truth are the Prestiens (if this is how you call them in english), who are what remained of the Union.

Is true that there not many details, but that because the world is not so important for the message of the movie.


It's about the exploitation of people by others, and that, if we don't stop, we are doomed as a species. We must address this problem the only way we can, one person, one action at a time.
It's in the book, by David Mitchell, extremely well written (he's a master of multiple genres). The book is actually more pessimistic than the movie, which has a "happy ending" on another planet. The key passage is at the end of the book (written in 19th century context), so if you pick up the book and read for five minutes you can get it.
