I've read the book and seen the film so I know what you mean. For me, I think that Luisa's, Robert's and Sonmi's stories were better in the book.
The biggest parts I missed from the book was Sonmi's growth and education. She grew from fabricant to pureblood equal over a long period that the film truly skipped the majority of. The best of her part in the book was her cognizance of her place in the rebellion, her awareness of being manipulated by the Union.
You could see it in Hae-Joo face when she was accepting her role, but the only place in the dialog that revealed it was his one line: "This is what we have been waiting for". If you hadn't read the book, you probably wouldn't get the full import of that line.
I do think a longer cut of the movie would be truly mind-blowing. Apparently, a four cut of the film exists, it just hasn't been released yet. The sad thing is, I doubt it ever will be... I only hope that one day I somehow get to see it.
Ahh, I keep hearing of that. I hope one day it happens.
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