MovieChat Forums > Cloud Atlas (2012) Discussion > This movie was SUPER gay and retarded

This movie was SUPER gay and retarded

Something like a retarded 9 year old would come up with. Are we to believe that because some *beep* bitch in the future went on camera spouting off a bunch of stupid meaningless stoner crap like "Durrr we are all a part of each other DURRR HURR!!!" That what's left of humanity a hundred years later start worshipping her as a god, and that these people who also talk like a bunch of retarded inbred hillbillies for some reason occasionally have psychic abilities, which is never explained but is just there anyway for no reason other than to give Susan Sarandons character something to do. Plus the earth is killing them for no reason except when they get on the wise black lady's magic boat, which again is not explained because the writers were too retarded to bring any semblance of logic to this steaming pile of crap.

Where was this magic planet that they inexplicably escape off to at the end? I don't know of any planet in the suns habitable zone besides Venus and Mars, neither of which would be liveable without extensive terraforming, which again nobody bothers to explain.

Those *beep* waitresses when they have served long enough get to go to "exultation" but..... SPOILER alert everybody..... they're really getting KILLED!!! Ooooooo nobody saw that coming! How in the world did the genius writers think up that totally unexpected plot twist??????

Tom Hanks for some unknown reason has this ghost following him around that only he can see... Once again, never explained. Oh I get it. It was supposed to be his conscience... Pretty stupid.

Bottom line: this movie sucked.


You are either the best stupid person or the worst troll ever. Sorry for your loss. One day you'll be able to wear big boy pants and leave the kids' table!



If you think THIS movie was stupid, you'll be on this planet for a long long long time my fellow universal being. Learn and grow please.




Dude, you really dude sound like a turd for so many reasons.

1. Saying 'Super gay' is super gay.

2. You asking if 'we are supposed to believe'? Well, it's a movie, so sure why not? Look how many morons believe in Trump and that's real.

3. Your vast knowledge of the galaxies. Dude, do you think this is some type of 'based on a true story' film? LOL I mean I know like 50% of everything made nowadays are 'based on a true story', but guess what, this one was pure fiction, so if there was some planet in the future determined to be inhabitable who are you to question that fiction? That alone makes you a turd.

4. You have a problem with clones being used as servants and then being recycled? Again, fiction. wtf.

5. conscience, uh no. Try again. Any way you perceive the entity that haunts Hanks not really sure why it would deserve a 'pretty stupid' comment unless it was coming from a turd. Are you a turd? I'm pretty sure anyone else would realize the guilt that haunts Hanks character and until he steps up the plate and swings there would be no way to rid himself of it. Not complicated, but certainly not 'pretty stupid'.

I know, it's pretty easy to diss a film when you don't comprehend it fully, only getting bits and pieces, while most of it goes over your head. You try to fight back like a little with a temper tantrum, screaming and yelling and not making very much sense. You weren't the first and you won't be the last that can't appreciate a film like this. Some who don't are mature enough not to go on a tirade and others are more like you.

grow up and learn some perspective.


LOL! Nice try, but you fail on account of your extremely low IQ.

Now run along and go read your little comic books. Adults are trying to have a conversation here.


If you live by your first rule, "saying 'super gay' is super gay" does that not make your actions "super gay?"

This topic made me laugh. Those behind the movie sure thought they were special.


I'll just chalk up your title and continuations as a symptom of a fairly low IQ. Blame your parents for that.

I drank what?


Sorry. I was reading through these posts again and just felt the need to again basically call you a moron.

"SUPER gay and retarded"

Again, blame your parents for your obvious lack of intellect. Your title is something I might expect to be written by a poorly raised twelve year old with intellectually stunted dopes for parents.

Time wounds all heels.



Lol, you rated all movies either 1 or 10. What a binary view, if everything is either good or ungood (to quote Nick Cave).

If this were a real sci-fi movie, I would ask for certain explainations too, but it is not a sci-fi movie, and not all movies do need explainations for every little detail. You are free to fill in the blanks you find for yourself, thats actually the beauty of a movie like this: it allows you room for your own interpretation, and still can give you lots and lots to think about.

But then again, if you can rate movies only by 1 or 10, you may not be in the target demographic of ... any of these movies.


... stop feeding the troll... all it wants is your attention. starve it!


I am reading the comments to the OP comment and they are condenscending and childish. Seems that they are attacking the messageer and not the message.
If you disagree with the OP, counter his assertions with opinions. Someone even invokes an anti-Trump political attack. That is uncalled for.

And the silliest attacks were to question the poster's maturity while displaying tantrum.


It's because they're all butthurt because they KNOW like I said, this movie is retarded and super DUPER gay to the max!!!!

Notice how not one of them can give any kind of rebuttal to any of my points except that one guy who just goes, "DURR!!! ITS FICTION!!!!! ITS ONLY FICTION!!!! DURRRR HURRRR!!!!"

Instead they can only insult my IQ because they are jealous that I'm smart enough to recognize what a piece of dog crap this movie is while they themselves were fished in by its stupidity. My post has shown them how truly stupid they were and thus they can only lash out in anger at my superior intellect.
