Accents too thick?

Did anyone else struggle to follow this? This was made in English and yet I probably could only make out about 3/4 of the dialogue and about half of the narration because of the thick accent and the kid's mumbling. Unfortunately my TV's closed captioning didn't work with Netflix for some reason so that wasn't an option. It's even more incomprehensible than that movie Kes, if anyone knows what I am talking about.


I didn't have any problems...


Ha! Funny you should mention this, since I was thinking the same thing as I watched it. Also, I thought of "Kes," which I also had trouble understanding because of the accents. The other films that I remember having the same issue with is "Quadrophenia."



They all should of talked in posh british accents or bullsh×t thick texas accents because your to stupid to understand.


Ahh! That's very cutting and insightful. :)

You can go back to the kid's table now while the adults continue the conversation.



English subtitles are available in Netflix - under 'Audio and Subtitles'.


Go watch other english movie. This is not for you.


I agree i had problems with the kids narration
