MovieChat Forums > I'm Still Here (2010) Discussion > What Was The Point Of This Movie?

What Was The Point Of This Movie?

I just finished watching it on DVD and then watched bits and pieces of it again with the commentary playing. I'm still confused as to what the filmmakers were trying to do. Was it simply a vanity project of performance art? A commentary on celebrity? The gullibility of today's audience (which stayed away from this film almost completely)? Or the gullibility of those in the entertainment industry...or how soon the industry would turn on one of it's own to devour it?

Other thoughts? I'm just left with a "blah" feeling, like "what's the point...why did you all take a few years of your life to make a movie that in the end doesn't really mean anything? Is there something profound that happened with this movie that went right over my head? I'm looking forward to your responses. :-)


For me, it's basically about the media's obsession with self destruction. Although...the film raises other things about self-identity and happiness which I find it quite fascinating.


joaquin talks about the reasoning behind it in this david letterman interview.


The movie is pointing out that the media, especially the trashier outlets, will make a spectacle of anyone for any reason; that they are vultures who felt it was more important to score an easy laugh than to get this man (Joaquin's character) help. The movie also mocks celebrities who use their acting fame to pursue other fields they are wholly unqualified for and make political statements. I believe the creators were thinking "they shouldn't care, but they will".


They took the reality tv audience to task.....If you tell them it's real, they will believe it is real, without question.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


Great post, thank you!
