MovieChat Forums > Dredd (2012) Discussion > What does Anderson sense in Dredd at the...

What does Anderson sense in Dredd at the start of the film?

I'm sure I asked this before and received some good answers but I can't seem to find the post.

At the start of the film when Dredd is introduced to Anderson, she's asked to describe Dredd and she replies she can sense anger and control but something deeper, something almost...before she's cut off. What was it she sensed?



"I stooped to pick a buttercup. Why people leave buttocks lying around, I've no idea."



Because this movie isn't pure satire like the comics.

"Need" is just a fiction. As is "should", "must", "value" and "importance".


It's been a long time since the comic was "pure satire". And the way Dredd was portrayed in the movie basically resembled the comic character as he was twenty or thirty years ago. He's evolved quite a bit since then.


That's interesting. I might pick up some of the later Dredd comics then.

"Need" is just a fiction. As is "should", "must", "value" and "importance".


The writer would know. But Dredd has a hopeless pessimism about democracy being gone along with a deep cynicism about citizens and crime. Joe Dredd has a twin brother, Carlos. She was going too deep.



Try not to get flippant, Citizen. He likes Munce, doesn't he? He wants to eat, he doesn't complain . . .


Dredd's clone brother is called Rico.





Doubt and hopelessness. The system is broken and failing and Dredd knows it. Much of the film revolves around him realising that they need new blood with new ideas to turn things around. Which is why he gives Anderson the pass at the end of the film, even though she technically blew the assessment.


I wouldn't say that's the only reason he gave her a pass, though. Even though she lost her sidearm, which is why she technically failed, she did turn out to be a bad ass operator.

Example: The scene where she disarms two thugs and puts halv a mag from an MP5 through the last one's face. Along with other scenes on general ass kicking.

Sure, according to "the book", she failed. But she was put in an extreme situation. Much more so than most other rookies, I'd imagine. And even though she did lose her sidearm, she still managed to kick ass and come out on top. Even saving Dredd's life.


She sensed that Dredd just loves going to Karaoke nights and sleeps with stuffed animals guarding over him.


Dredd's second job as a drag queen.


Boring resurrection to this thread, my apologies, but let me vote for "empathy" as well

It'd be something Dredd would keep hidden to avoid being exploited. It also makes sense that the Chief Judge herself would know about it and want it to remain "unspoken," for the same basic reason.

It'd explain why Dredd was so quick to accept Anderson's assessment of Domhnall Gleeson's hacker character.

Sorry again ... nothing funny to add. I just rewatched this film recently and re-appreciated it all over again.


No fucking clue. Is this something that we can even guess from within the movie?
