MovieChat Forums > The Shrine (2010) Discussion > at least the ending wasn't a total clich...

at least the ending wasn't a total cliche!

I am SO sick of horror films playing into the "final girl" cliche, which is why it was so refreshing to have the male lead actual survive to the climax. Whether or not he actually lived was irrelevant to me; just the fact that he wasn't killed halfway through was pleasing enough.

I understand why they usually have the girl survive to the end, but when it happens with almost every horror film, you just stop rooting for the guy. Kudos to the writers for actually having created a level-headed and logical male character. Now if only the same could be said for the women...


I'm so glad you posted this. I was about to do the same, until I saw what you wrote. I figured that the main chick would survive in the end as what usually happens in horror films. But then I couldn't figure out why the priest guy chose the two chicks for sacrifice and not the dude. That had me scratching my head until later on when I realized that they could tell that he did not have the curse. That's why the chicks had to be killed and why he was sent out to dig a grave I suppose. Definitely a refreshing twist to the usual way these kinds of movies play out.


Yeah I think the writers were really smart with horror tropes and used them to their advantage. It was a smart way to trick the audience while also making sure the script made sense.

However, the characters were planning to kill the guy too; they just didn't have to perform that ritual on him because he hadn't been infected.


He didn't see the statue in the woods. The two women with him did however. And so they both died in the end and he lived. It is such a fresh and most welcome ending to a genre chock full of the final girl cliched nonsense. It really is.


"With vengeance and power, I'll see them kneel."



Maybe try HMV as they can order things in for you if they don't have it in store. I don't go there myself as they are robbing bastard sons of whores, their price tags for the DVDs and Blu Rays are beyond a joke. I saw Quantum of Solace for £34.99p on Blu Ray and the DVD version (surprise surprise) was around £8. Not much of a difference is there LMFAO!. But seriously HMV are truly a last resort for anything you buy. At least here in the UK they are. Try them my friend if you really have to. I purchased the movie in Asda though. So maybe that is worth a shot.

"With vengeance and power, I'll see them kneel."


The thing that makes no sense is why they have to kill people who've been cursed in such a brutal fashion. If they have to stake them through the eyes, cant that be done after the person is already dead? The storyline wouldnt work (it would no longer appear that they are performing human sacrifice) but I see this as a plot hole, considering we see many signs that the villagers arent as brutal as we are initially led to believe (like the goon who doesnt want to kill the male lead digging his own grave).


"The thing that makes no sense is why they have to kill people who've been cursed in such a brutal fashion"

It's most likely a ritual that has to be done in order to rid the body of the curse


I have to agree. The usual horror plot is the girl who is essential responsible for putting everyone in danger lives, while everyone else dies. And of course character like the guy, who have reason and constantly say lets leave, die. Here, she dies, and he lives. Kudos.

Regarding the mask, I assume it was part of the ritual, ie they had to be killed with the mask, as it was holy or something, it had the cross on it. My only question was why did the possessed people see others as demons.


I agree, I thought the ending was done well.

Twitter @ ericm1129


If I had to guess (and I do as it isn't made clear) I'd say the possessed see others as demons to break their sanity/psyche, so the demon can take over the mind and therefore the body completely.

But who knows, there could be a reason that is explained in the film. Sadly I don't know Polish so I can't say for definite.


i kind of feel like you're making up horror tropes. the person leading everyone into danger isn't always a girl, and the voice of reason isn't always a guy. just sayin'.


I thought you were going to say: showing the image of the statue and giving some half-explanation for the mystery, wasn't a total cliche.


yeah I didn't mention that, but that's also another element which elevated the film a bit above the average.


The ending was pretty refreshing... er. Sort of had a twist.

But during the final few minutes I really thought that the male lead was going to be seen going through his girlfriend's camera (after leaving Poland) and inadvertently looking at the statue. Then being cursed himself, adding to that ending twist. I reeeeeally thought that would happen.


Fully agree. Not only did the guy survive, but he was actually smart enough to help the locals kill Carmen. When they needed him to hold her head down, I thought for sure he would do that inner-struggle thing and be like "I can't let you kill her, she's my girlfriend!" But instead he didn't follow movie cliche and he actually helped. Well done ending.



The ending redeemed this film for me.



I guess its just a pet peeve, but I'm a little bummed when imdb posters act like they only relate to these seemingly "perfect" characters that are logical and aren't ruled by emotion, since aren't humans often emotional, illogical creatures? Makes us who we are. People criticize horror characters for making stupid decisions, but I don't know, sometimes I'll think of something I would have done differently, but most of the time I'm so immersed in the story, putting myself in the characters' shoes, suspending disbelief, that whatever they decide seems understandable, given the situation. How do any of us truly know what we'd do in a hypothetical situation until we're actually in it?

You can say they should have all left at the first sign of danger, but they had no reason (there's that word) to think things were as bad as they were with the demonic curse, sacrifices, etc. If I traveled all that way, I'd want to find out something before heading back. I thought you guys were all about idolizing courage and bravery, too And yes, it would suck if your girlfriend lost her job (though I agree it was crummy of her not to be honest with her bf or boss, but that's her character) - can't remember if they were living together and had bills to pay, but...if you thought she was bitchy before... ;-)

"Its only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."


I love how people are saying it went against cliche that the guy lived, a character that was so rational and level headed, but isn't making the guy the rational one a bit cliche itself (and I say that as a dude)? You all seem to think he was a saint (at least compared to his girlfriend), but by saving her initially, he indirectly caused the deaths of multiple Protectors including the main one. Sure, you can say he thought they were evil at the time, but I'm surprised he just kind of left (and they let him leave) at the end with no sense of guilt. Oh wait, guilt's an emotion, so you wouldn't understand ;-)

Plus no anger from the young, new lead Protector at the guy's Dad now being dead (they said in the Commentary they were father and son). Talk about selfless - you must really idolize him then ;-) That could have been a decent last minute twist at the end, some rule about how, if you kill the head Protector, you must stay and become one yourself. Could be cheesy, but at least have something to show his actions of saving the girl (good intentioned as they were) had consequences and he couldn't get away scott free. To keep the ending in line with the dark tone of the rest of the movie.

Oh, and you think hesitating before choosing to end or help end someone's life is only a "movie cliche"? I know we're only supposed to be logical like Vulcans on the internet, head over heart and all that, but man...some of you... Sucks to be your girlfriend if she gets possessed by a demon...just kill her, don't even bother trying exorcism, eh? ;-) /Rant

"Its only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."
