Agreed. I didn't think the bee story (B story? lol) was anything to sneeze at either. I've heard about the world's bees dying/disappearing for years and the mystery of it all definitely intrigued me and it definitely seemed tragic. So...I cared about the bees :-) That may have been my fave part of the movie The Happening (call me uncool, I don't care, but I still like Night, its just that movie wasn't his best), when Mark Wahlberg's teacher character mentions the bees early on in class. So I agree it was wrong of the girl to be so dismissive of that story. Though you have to admit, that was a damn creepy statue Best part of the movie was the scene when that girl first sees it. The director definitely has a gift for prolonging eerie tension ::chills::
Funny thing: I got one of those messages about this very thing (bees dying/disappearing) earlier on the same day I watched this (yesterday), read the message and signed/forwarded the petition right before logging off in fact, with me having no idea this movie would mention that phenomenon. And I don't think I've watched a movie that addressed it since The Happening 5 years ago. Freaky O_O Seriously though, most "logical" people would probably just dismiss it as a "coincidence", but I've witnessed enough things like that lately to wonder. Call me a dreamer, there will always be doubters and skeptics, but nothing wrong with keeping an open mind about the paranormal, believing in fate, believing the world could still being a magical place, etc. We lose that too much when we grow up IMO, but its mostly what's kept me going through the struggles I've gone through lately. Hey, whatever gets you through.
"Its only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."