Everything in the leadup makes it clear they're going to Poland, but Carmen reads the journal and says "it doesn't look like Eric was in Albania very long." and she asks the little girl if she's ever been out of Albania. Too cheap to re-shoot the scenes after the rewrites, I guess?
Subtitles indicate they were speaking about a place called "Alvainia". Whether this is a fictional Poland town, or one that actually exists, I do not know. But if the subtitles were written correctly, then the producers are off the hook...
Right. Well, I have to-- I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.
Ah, OK. Doesn't sound like a Polish name though. And it would be spelled Elwania if it was real Polish, because they have no letter 'V' and the A would be pronounced "ah."
Also I watched on Netflix which inexplicably leaves off all subtitles.
It was written in the guy's journal - looked like Alvania or something. But I didn't understand why the caption later said 'Kosic (or whatever, can't remember), Poland'. So Alvania must be the town, but in that case what's was Kosic?f
I know you won't read this, but just in case someone else reads it, the subtitles are left off for a reason. The characters don't understand the language, and as a viewer, neither are we. Honestly, if we were able to read the subtitles, the movie would be really different.