Worst movie EVER?

I have to say that was the most terrible movie I have ever sat through and I LOVE ROM COMS.

The acting was terrible by Reese...all her weird eye crunches like she was 'thinking'.

The plot I can't get over. Like really, where was this going?


It usually bugs me how every movie on IMDb has a "Worst Movie Ever" post, but in this case, I might have to agree with you. This really was one of the most obnoxious, pointless, mind-numbingly boring movie I have ever seen.

And I like romantic-comedies too.

The only reason why I even finished watching it was because I was on a plane and there was absolutely nothing else for me to do.

"I was tired of January... tired of June... I felt a change a coming..."


In a word, YES.


I was expecting an entertaining rom-com with a little drama & comedy thrown in a la As Good As It Gets instead I get a very frustrating flick that doesn't even rub up against the other movie!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


I have a big problem with Witherspoon lately.
I get the impression that she just want to get off the set ASAP,cash her check,and get back to her kids and new hubby.

in other words,she's phoning it in and it shows up on the screen.
