MovieChat Forums > How Do You Know (2010) Discussion > Do not understand the hate this movie is...

Do not understand the hate this movie is receiving

No, it's not a perfect movie, and it goes out of its way (which is a good thing) to avoid many of the romantic comedy cliches, but this is a film that loves its characters. It give them so many terrific little moments that you suddenly realize, I did after the fact, that it is completely unique. Perhaps the most subversive is the Reese Witherspoon character does the usual male thing in this movie. She's making the choices, the men are pursuing her and she's the one who goes from surface-sounding platitudes to real inner evaluation. I truly believe this film will be revisited critically in the future.


as you said, it is not the perfect movie, but i did enjoy it. like you, i don't understand why people are hating this movie. paul rudd was outstanding in it in my opinion. his character had the full gamut of emotions and he was able to communicate a lot with his facial expressions which i notice in any movie i watch.

i thought the characters were charming and well written. however, jack nicholson was somewhat a disappointment to me. something about his performance didn't fire on all cylinders for me. i read bill murray was strongly considered. he would have been great.

you mentioned it tried to avoid many of the rom com cliches. i agree. it didn't have that same feel as a typical rom com. there was something deeper to it. i would see it again, and think i will do just that.


I agree. I keep re-playing that scene of the botched proposal. It was touching and moving and loved how Reese Witherspoon underplayed it.


People are hating on this movie beause it cost 120 million. 120 million for a garden variety RomCom flick. It's stupid and it's insulting.


look, you are certainly entitled to hate a movie because of its budget. this is the first i have heard of such a reason. so people actually consciously stay away in a form of semi-protest from a movie for the reason of a wretchedly excessive budget in his/her own mind? wow.

is it just expensive rom coms you hate and find insulting, or does this apply also to other genres with bloated budgets such as action, sci-fi, etc.?

pardon the questions. i'm just trying to understand.

i firmly believe that ORIGINAL stories such as this one need to be supported regardless of budget in an era of warmed up leftovers such as tron: legacy and yogi bear from this weekend alone. pretty soon no movies will be made that haven't been a cartoon, novel, movie, tv show, song, comic book, video game, breakfast cereal, soft drink, or action figure in a previous life.

but, like i said, it is your right to hate on this movie for its budget. i thank you for giving me new information i had no idea about before.


robertborders, maybe that deeper, intangible quality you and i both noticed is the james l. brooks touch?

do you plan to see it again? i am.

back to your original point of the hate the movie is getting. i am dismayed at the crap that people rave about and the good, solid stuff that gets swept out of the theaters after a week. i think it's a quick drying cement type thing. once a few people stamp a movie as good or bad in the media or on these boards, it's done. no one wants to actually think for himself or herself anymore out of fear of swimming against the current and appearing to be stupid or unsophisticated by the groupthink masses.

just a thought.


I'm glad you liked it because that will probably be his last major studio movie.


I will be seeing it again. There are people who are already saying, 'waitaminute...there IS something deeper here." Certainly the budget is irrelevant, unless we're discussing economics. As for this being his last studio film, yes, it will hurt, but I'll absolutely wager he'll do another. And given his legacy AND the fact this film will be re-evaluated, I look forward to it. Original is always better than retread. I'd rather see an ambitious misfire (which this isn't) as opposed to un original redo.


Original is always better than retread. I'd rather see an ambitious misfire (which this isn't) as opposed to un original redo.

yes, robertborders! you and i think alike. i wrote of this very thing to cathercreis myself.

soon the only choices on the menu will be rehash and 3D.


-- between the near-universal loathing for a movie and it's actual (and considerable) quality. This is a very good movie: Smart, funny, well-written, wonderfully performed and, as the OP has already indicated, a movie that avoids most if not ALL of the usual tired rom-com cliches.

What gives, America?


filmklassik, well said. amen. and again, amen.


I agree totally with you,I enjoyed this movie then I come on this board and most everyone is panning it , I don't get it. Like you said it's not perfect but not once did I get bored. I wanted more when the credits came on.


People expected more from this movie.
It was just average despite of the talent and caliber of the cast and director.
Added to that,the budget of this movie was $120 million.
A lot were disappointed with film.
It includes not only critics but the its viewers as well.
