How do you know a movie is bad?
When you have a great cast and it is still un-watchable.
I am not a fan of modern day romantic comedies and this movie reminded me why. Firstly, it is not funny. Secondly, it is not romantic. Thirdly, none of the characters have a single redeeming quality.
Witherspoon, who I usually like as an actress, was so terribly annoying that it almost made me turn off the movie. Rudd is such a funny guy but he was clearly trying too hard with this role (though I still like him enough to blame the writers for that). Nicholson, who I am not really a fan of to begin with, was hard to listen to because he would drone on an on about nothing important and my mind wandered every time he spoke. Wilson was not funny, clever, or interesting, He was simply obnoxious. And don't even get me started on that pregnant "Annie" character.
This movie fell flat. I disliked every character. Overall, it was lack-luster and very disappointing.