Play-doh (spoiler!!!)

I did not understand why she loved the gift of play-doh. Did he make a figure of something that made her realize she was in love with him? A regular box of play-doh can't be a better gift than a very expensive watch. What am I missing? (I am a guy bu the way)


Did you not hear the dialogue in that scene? He told her the story of how Play-Doh was originally just white and used in construction. The whole point of the story, that the dialogue smacks the audience over the head with, is that "things are just one small adjustment away from being something amazing".


I thought the whole Play doh scene was rediculous and from the reaction of the Lisa character, she did, too





The gift wasn't just a can of Play-Doh. The story that goes with it is an allegory for how he thinks she feels about her life. Turns out he was correct.

Also, some people don't realize when watching that scene that he didn't just go to the store and buy her a new can of Play-Doh. That's the one that he's kept since he was a kid and he gives it to her.



I thought the play doh was a beautiful gift. But come on. The watch was pretty amazing too!
