The haters don't get it: 99.9% of Hollywood and indeed 'filmmaking'...
... is trash. Money-grubbing, attention-seeking, calculated, and conniving trash.
So, yes, this film is a joke:
-- on the celebrity principals (many of whom abased their 'talent' for scale--LOL--or were tricked into performing via their craving for screen time);
-- on lily-livered movie-goers who truly believe there are such people as 'substantive', 'decent', and 'honorable' filmmakers and actors;
-- and on the societal need to 'celebrate' the trashy motives (plural? ONE: profiteering) that we willingly pay to be elevated to the screen.
Haters: you think acting is a decent and worthy job?
Why do you think Chloe Moretz and Halle Berry allowed themselves to be abased? Why do you think Winslet let herself work for $800 for this piece of crap?
Quaid's role is the most truthful of them all--and truest to all 'top' filmmakers.
Best line: "I woke up with a case of the f-ckarounds." That explains it all.
Every movie made is accomplished with precisely the same tactics used to make Movie 43--except this film is honest.