I loved it!

Watched all episodes in one night. This works as a funny spoof and also as a fun and entertaining thriller/mystery. Performances are good and it is fast paced. Highly recommended.


I liked it a lot, too. Great cast. Very funny.


Me too!!! I'm cracking up at these people who took it seriously and are writing scathing reviews. Umm, the tombstone kept changing! To the haters, that is a "plot hole"... bless their hearts.

I watched it a second time, and it's funnier the second time around. You start paying attention to the little things. The art books in the attic that start with "You Too Can Be an Artist" then below it a book "You Also Can Be an Artist", then below that "Anyone Can Be an Artist". Little things like that you'll pick up on.

There is no "I" in heaven. Could mean two things. Was that a roman numeral so it says "There is no one in heaven"? I thought it was cleverly written, brilliantly acted by Bell.

Loved it.
