Napoleon bit over more than he could chew. If you made Russia and China swap places, it would have been China that "stopped" him. In reality, Napoleon was foiled by his own ambition. He should have anticipated that even through all his efforts to keep his army well supplied, it was still going to be a logistical nightmare on a good day.
Not really....
How many films have there been praising the US? How many nations has the US destroyed?
How many films have there been praising Russia?
But I get it - watching CNN and all that - it must make you very mad. The Russiagate, Evil Putin, Poor Ukrainians, superhero Zelensky, etc - it's a nice narrative they are spinning. Very compelling stuff. So, I do understand why you are so emotionally invested in that BS.
I'm so sick of this fucking BS argument "How many nations has the US destroyed?"
Whattaboutism doesn’t make what Russia is doing any less worse.
Nobody intelligent sees the world black and white like that. US foreign policy has had awful consequences for much of the world.
Hey buddy it's not good when others do it, nobody is arguing with you on this. But that don't give any right for russians to just blindly invade a free country and kill thousands of people, commit war crimes, rape women etc.
USA is not actually annexing any territory and claiming that the presence of English speaking people in a given location means the US has a valid territorial claim. What russians are doing is just fucking plain barbaric.
Putin openly threatens the world with nuclear war every other week. If that's not fucking evil, I don't know what is.
Whataboutism is on point when the person complaining is focused on one country in particular while purposely ignoring the rest.
You want barbaric? Check Israel - lol
And evil? How about USA sending a crapload of weapons to a smaller country (Ukraine) and saying how it will win against the bigger country (Russia), while behind its back saying how wasting the Ukrainian lives is a great and rather inexpensive way to weaken Russia. Don't forget - USA knew fully well the outcome from the get go - the entire exercise was to weaken Russia - it had nothing to do with 'freedom', 'democracy', 'winning' and the rest of the BS. Not evil enough for ya?
Different people have different reasons for supporting Ukraine. I know people with family connections there adn they are motivated by good reasons. I know others that just consider Russia bad guy, for various reasons.
I agree that those that are motivated by desire to weaken Russia, have an immoral reason.
IMO, the vast majority of Americans who support the Ukraine do so because of a mix of anti-Russian bias left over from Cold War and simply being anti-conquest, left over from WWII and Pax America.
The few that talk nonsense about "weakening russia" are mostly fools. I would like to know more about the the behind the scenes reasons in teh government. Anyone in power talking such evil should be blacklisted, imo.
Trump wants to make PEACE. Are you for an end to the fighting?
It would be good to see an investigation as to what was the primary motivation before the actions were taken. Especially with regard to the money Biden was paid though his son.
IMO, it is morally wrong to spend Ukrainian lives to weaken Russia. That is not a legitimate policy goal. It is UNJUST WAR.
Trump wants to end the war. Biden wants to prolong it to weaken russia. Vote republican for peace, dem for war.
So.....just go ahead and let Russia take over a free nation, with their own freely elected government, and force them to become subservient to Putin???? Maybe get some first hand information about how all that is going? I know people who have had to flee Kiev (and still living in Poland).
Also watch the new 20 Days in Mariupol, it might help expand your horizons. Ukraine did nothing to provoke the attack, it was a mad plan to reunite the former USSR, to regain lost glory, power and influence......regardless of the millions of lives if negatively destroys or effects.
2. What is "mad" about the plan? Most experts thought it would work. Even I was suprised by how poorly the Russians did, and I expected them to do poorly.
3. Why are WE involved in something so far away from US?
Anyone who supports US/NATO funding of this Ukraine-Russia war is completely ignorant of the past decade and what compelled Russia to invade in the first place. The US wanted this war. That's why they orchestrated the coup that disposed of Ukraine's democratically elected president in 2014.
Compelled? Putin being power hungry, or is it paranoia because some of the nations around him want to join NATO? He's too busy playing some cold war board game to realize the world has moved on. All the talk of Ukraine being full of Nazis, etc. It's laughably tragic.
It was unjustified US paranoia when Russia moved nuclear missiles into Cuba in the 1960s? Russia's paranoia about Ukraine's NATO membership is completely justified. And the Ukrainian military is indeed full of Nazis. Our very own prestigious news outlets like the NY Times used to report on this very fact, until somebody compelled them into understanding it was no longer convenient. It doesn't speak well of your understanding of the Ukraine's military if you don't even accept that basic fact.
I am aware of Wikipedia, which provides a good overall picture of the Russian aggression throughout the years. My question was directed towards the person who claimed "Ukrainian fascists doing things to Russians" But got no answer.
That is also on Wikipedia. It's established history what happened in the Donbass war, which was a civil war in Ukraine, ergo them bombing their own population, of which the majority is ethnic russians. I recommend Oliver stone, since you strike me as someone who doesn't read. It's biased, but not more biased than Wikipedia. He highlights the wrongs the Ukraine did.
For someone who criticizes strangers on the internet for not reading enough, it is a bit absurd to list Oliver Stone as a reference. It makes you look like an idiot. Now onto the main topic. Of course since 2014, the Ukrainian army has been bombarding Russian positions in the Donbas region. They are at war with an invading army. To make it brief, this is not a case of ambiguity. There are no nuances. The situation is clear-cut. A reactionary stalinist criminal has been trying since taking office to restore the fallen Soviet Union or more precisely the tsarist Empire of 1914. Putin has never made a secret of it. He will conquer any weak country he can get his hands on and try to expand his sphere of influence. All former soviet republics or satellites, from the Baltics to Romania immediately joined NATO, as soon as they had the opportunity to escape Russias expansionist and neo-imperialist policies. And that's exactly what the Ukrainians have been doing since 1999. Putin has always openly said that the greatest tragedy of his life was the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since taking office he has been trying to reverse that fact. So please, no more references to leftist "intellectuals" like Stone, who have as much understanding of the situation like Britney Spears or Channing Tatum.
And the reason for the US arranging the 2014 coup that ousted Ukraine's democratically elected president was what, exactly? To promote democracy around the globe? You're just parroting US State Department propaganda. Oliver Stone obviously knows a lot more about this situation than you do.
Could you please provide sources affirming Putin's motives to be that of a bond villain caricature? Is it the picture where he's pointing at an old soviet map?
Instead of listening blindly(I say listening since I'm still not convinced you read), to biased interpretations to quotes from Putin, you should get to the bottom of them. What Putin meant in that particular quote was that it was a tradegy to the Slavic race. The collapse was not handled well, and many people suffered greatly as a result. This is also a fact, which is available to read about, and I'm sure there's something on YouTube for you.
I am not American. I believe I have an educated opinion on Putin's futile attempt to occupy a sovereign state. Where are your sources for "Ukrainian fascists committing things"? Are you Russian perhaps?
Nope, western European. And nope, you have to inform yourself. Else you will stay ignorant. And that's nothing to be proud of. Putin's futile attempt...
So obvious which media you consume 🙄
"My" side is not always the right side. But yours?
That's your problem: You are always waiting to be spoon fed...
And don't you know how this war is going? Strange, as glorious NATO invests 20times as much as the Russians in this war. That should lead at least to daily victory celebrations, n'est-ce pa's?
russia might have been a better place if he had won.
Napoleon was a tyrant but he was a progressive tyrant. also everyone else were tyrants. partly fighting him becuase they were worried their oppressive monarchies would be replaced. its not like the allies who fought him were some super progressive alliance of democracies.
he kept some of the good things from the revolution, ended the bad things from the revolution, and brought about many good changes
It's a wide shared opinion that the reason Napoleon couldn't beat Russia was the vast size of it, poor French strategy, lack of resources and the harshness of winter. I don't think it really had much to do with Russia's ability as a military.