I believe his name was Matt and had maybe about 12 lines the entire year. He came back for the finale like many of the cast. But why did they make such a big deal about needing 12 members, yet they never showcased him at all. They gave others storylines, even gave Harry Schum, Mike Chang some stuff to do in season 1. They said he transferred and that was when they brought Sam in and he had is own storyline.
You're right about his name. His name was Matt Rutherford and he was played by Dijon Talton. He didn't have many lines. I don't even think it was 12. Wasn't it more like 2 or 3?
The reason New Directions always had at least 12 members was because it was a rule in the show choir book, which stated that show choirs must have at least 12 members to compete. So in season 1, Matt was kind of just a filler character to make up the required number. I believe Santana, Brittany and Mike were also just originally meant to be filler characters/there to add to the total number of members, but I think fans and the producers warmed up to these characters and decided to give them more to do and gave them stories. I'm pretty sure Brittana was not originally a story the writers were going to do, but they enjoyed Naya and Heather's little moments that they shared in the background, and I think that's what helped form the idea of Santana and Brittany being more than friends. I think Mike was sort of supposed to be like a Matt character, but they decided to keep Mike/Harry. Harry is a very good dancer, so that could be why they decided to keep him.
Thanks, yes later after I thought about it, I was overestimating the number of lines or rather words he had. I understood the 12 members, but not why everyone else had stories except him.