5. Coach Bieste "has always felt like a man inside" 4. Mercedes Jones, successful recording artist, signed to a real record label 3. Kurt is accepted into NYADA despite having no standout talents or abilities 2. Artie is desirable and gets laid by hot chicks (or anyone for that matter) 1. Muscleman Kurt Hummel
5. Continuing the show post-Graduation. They would've been so much better off making all of the characters the same age, graduating them the same year and then ditching the whole of the school storyline. Teachers and all. And, either have the 4th season with all the characters in their new locations, or just to have ended the show.
4. Brittany. Pretty much everything about Brittany is pretty ridiculous. The whole "Lord Tubbington" thing for a start. Half of what she says doesn't make much sense, or isn't funny (long gone are the days when she will have a golden one-liner).
3. Sue. Again, pretty much everything Sue actually does and gets away with (while sometimes funny) is pretty ridiculous. For example, a couple of episodes ago she revealed she had a shrine dedicated to the Klaine relationship. She then somehow managed to build a fake elevator (with built in lavatory facilities) and terrorised them with a mini-SawSue that rode around on a tricycle? Referencing a series of films that ended about 5 years ago.... things like that.
2. Klaine decide to get married - numerous times (and, this thing the writers have where all of the characters HAVE to end up in relationships with someone from high school, heaven forbid it should be somebody they don't know).
1. Rachel - a character who has a complete adoration for all things Broadway, finally gets to live her dream by landing the starring role in Funny Girl. Only to get bored after a month or two and decide she wants to pursue a career in television instead. Like, she wouldn't actually understand what starring in a Broadway show would actually entail.
5- Continuing the show post-Graduation. They would've been so much better off making all of the characters the same age, graduating them the same year and then ditching the whole of the school storyline. Teachers and all. And, either have the 4th season with all the characters in their new locations, or just to have ended the show.
Since Glee was based on a high school Glee club it would have been unrealistic to drop the whole idea of McKInley,
3- Sue is hilarious and her efforts to reunite Kurt and Blaine were funny as hell( I don't like the mashing of names so I won't refer to them as Klaine), the elevator scene was ok, but I loved the scene at Breadstix where Sue was the waitress while Kurt and Walter were on a date, when she said she was 34, Kurt almost had a hernia to prevent laughter.
Brittany was pointless, it was sweet when she and Santana got married but other than that, snooze
1. A 16 year old guy believing he could get a girl pregnant without sleeping with her
2. Agree with the coach beiste storyline
as for most of yours
Mercedes Jones, successful recording artist, signed to a real record label
I don't understand why this is unbelievable, there are many young recording artist
3. Kurt is accepted into NYADA despite having no standout talents or abilities
While I am not a huge fan of Kurts voice, in the world of glee he has a very good voice and is very talented, so why wouldn't he get into NYADA
2. Artie is desirable and gets laid by hot chicks (or anyone for that matter)
I assume you are saying this because you are an ignorant idiot, you do realize that many people in wheelchairs have relationships all the time don't you
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2. i don't think it was about Artie being in a wheelchair but the fact that he isn't what is commonly considered good looking.. you don't have to be rude..
What storyline of Coach Beiste are you talking about, the domestic abuse? She even explained she is not a violent person so it never occurred to her to hit Cooter back
Beiste story line was nice because she was a masculine woman who still liked to be a girl. She wore her little earrings and lip stick. She was sensitive and cried esily. When eve say she is such a girl.
But then all of a suddne they wanted a transgender character (um Unique) and they reconned all she had said before.
Mercedes. First she gets a job from a video then she gets a record deal like within a month into her job, she quits somehow breaks that contract easily with no fallout and gets second deal that she could lay out all her demand with all within a year???
Most of what Sue says is outlandish and ridiculous, so it could easily be that she was simply lying about almost all of the things she's done, including having her uterus removed.
She never said anything about having a hysterectomy, she said she did not menstruate, this could have been due to her age, or being an athlete( many athletes have irregular or absent periods, I laughed every time she told the kids she in her 30's, Kurt was on a date with Father Time and she told him she was 34, he had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing
=Rachel getting hired on Broadway with no real theater credits to her name. In the real world a "new talent" would have more than just two high school productions and a mattress commercial. Plus they would be asked to leave after singing a single note of "Don't Stop Believing" at an audition for a traditional Broadway musical.
-Sue trying to take out the Glee club around fifty times only to have a change of heart every single time.
-Will getting a job as a Spanish teacher but can't speak the language.
-Will not having a real investigation on him over his creepy teaching methods. In real life if a teacher kicked a student out of a club for a week because they didn't feel comfortable dressing like a hooker they would be suspended at the least. You also don't do "The Rocky Horror Show" with children and then cast yourself in it.
Barbara Stanwyck and I used to ride the trolley! ~Andrea Zuckerman
1 Don't get me started on Rachel, she has talent as a singer, but she was too young for a role Barbara Streisand had.
Sue was hilarious, I think she just liked yanking Will's chain, I think she liked most of the original kids, especially Kurt.
While they are not exactly "children", Rocky Horror was inappropriate, which is why he cancelled doing it in front of an audience, I thought Tine Warp was corny at first, but it grew on me.
1 Don't get me started on Rachel, she has talent as a singer, but she was too young for a role Barbara Streisand had.
Barbra was only 20 when she did Fanny on Bway.
While is it unlikely it is not impossible for Rachel to have gotten the role. They acknowledged her being green but also said they may wanted a new face.
I think Santana getting the understudy role was more improbable since she did't prove she could sing it in the right key.
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1. The ridiculous amount of couple swapping. This is a small group of kids, really, and the amount of them that have dated is ridiculous. I can barely begin to map out who dated whom and it's always bothered me. I just can't imagine dating someone every other girl in my close group of friends also dated...
2. Rachel achieving her dream and just throwing it all away. I'm sorry, but as an actress myself I know that there are certain roles that you would do ANYTHING for and you wouldn't abandon that role at the drop of a hat for anything, especially when it means potentially pissing off the entire community that could determine your future career once you attempt to return to it. She was so determined to get to Broadway and once she got it, she just threw it all away for a TV show that seemed iffy from the start???
3. I gotta agree with the Kurt-NYADA thing. He seemed SO MUCH MORE suited for the job at SJP's assistant, I thought that storyline was infinitely more appealing for his character. He's a niche singer, there is a very tiny set roles well suited for his voice, I can't honestly see a specialty school like NYADA accepting him.
4. What the heck school would allow Sue to get away with all her shenanigans?
5. What the hell kind of a budget did the school have!? I did enjoy that they poked fun at this once or twice, because seriously, not even in college could we have had half the special little effects they had for a three minute song.
(Also, I know it's a TV show, but I will never, EVER get over the whole "it's one week until sectionals, let's finally pick a song! It's the day of regional's, here's the song we finally chose! I'm so glad everyone here can sightread like a pro!!!")
Kurt was also there for Drama, not just singing, and he can actually change his vocal for singing, at the beginning of Time Warp, that was Chris' voice going lower and with an accent, I love that part, and I did like his internship with Isabelle it was sweet he could have ended up with a b**** like the one from Devil Wears Prada,
As for the competitions, they were not always a week away, there were three competitions, sectionals, regionals and Nationals, the first sectional they had to come up with something quick because the other two teams cheated, and two of the competitions they went with original songs, Loser Like was a stupid idea, he usually had a prepared list
1. Sue helping the glee club and going back to hating them for the millionth time. 2. Kurt miraculously getting into NYADA. 3. Sue being allowed to assault students and teachers. 4. Kurt beating Rachel in a sing off. 5. Puck chasing after Lauren Zizes.
My biggest problem with the Nyada plot is that Rachel didn't even know it existed. Someone who cared that much about going to New York and Broadway didn't know about the best school especially being that broadway was her dream. I also hated the beiste sex change