Why release a tell all book?
Do people even...care?
shareBecause you are desperate.
shareYou've seen half the threads here, right?
Glee's petty, catty a$$hole fans love nothing more than tearing down the former stars of this show, despite the fact that most of them have moved onto other things and no one gives two $hits about it or its' dwindling fans anymore.
The show basically went out with a whimper and was largely forgotten, look at the way it received a reduced order on its final season and was stuck in Fox's Friday night "Kiss of Death/FuÇk you Joss Whedon" time-slot.
Naya's one of the former stars who continues to receive a completely irrational level of hatred from Glee's dwindling fans.
I hope she's planning a new career because I highly doubt people are going to look at this in a positive way, I've got no doubts Lea could be a diva but I'm sure so can a LOT of people in Hollywood, it doesn't look good if you're someone who will just wait and write a tell all book, not even THAT long after the show ended. It's desperate. It must infuriate Naya that Lea continues to ignore her lmao.