
I had heard so much buzz about this film, including a possible Oscar nomination for BFF. However, having seen it I found it a disappointment. I could not warm to the Nora, the main character. She is not well written. We do not know enough about her and her life once she moves to the US. If I can compare this with The Bridges of Madsion County, we can see that Francesca is frustrated and stifled by her life as a wife and a mother. We understand why she would be attracted to sexy photographer especially if he looks like Clint Eastwood.We never get an insight into Nora's soul, so we cannot root for her as she decides to re-connect (or re-ignite ) her friendship with her childhood friend.


Honestly I thought it was going to be a sci-fi romance. Like a mixture between Everything Everywhere and a Richard Curtis flick.
