Last warning -- this whole post is a spoiler:
Having just watched Disney's Frozen, I was unfortunately reminded of this turdfest of a film, and finally had to comment.
Now before you go all "you gotta suspend disbelief" on me, let me just say... no. I'll suspend nothing. That's not how I enjoy a movie, and I've watched and enjoyed Monsturd (2003).... about a killer piece of shhh.
What Monsturd did that Frozen did not... is live up to it's title.
I could give two plot-holes about wolves and open winter jackets. The final straw for me was that NOBODY FREEZES. A fricken thriller called Frozen and nobody ends up like Nicholson in Shining. That's how this garbage should have ended. Instead, it's Frostbite. Or Wicked Cold. Frozen it ain't.
1 out of 10.