Um, hello Mr. Snowcat driver...
Hello Mr. Snowcat driver,
I'm un idiut hear with my idiut frend and idiut girlfrend. We are going to wate until you are backing up to try to get yer attention by throwing things at you. We could have done this when you where rite under us, but we wanted to be polite. We figured that we would rather freeze to deth than offend you, otherwize we wood have pretty much thrown anything at you, or pretty much rather droped anything on you, when you were rite there. Have a nise day. Sorry about the speling, Mr. Snowcat driver, but between the three uf us, we are all still stupid and cant spell things right. The cold is making us loose ower mynds.
The world's dumbest idiots.
If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.