Umm, cell phones?

Doesn't every 20-something have one?


When Lynch was asking for that girls number he mentioned they don't ski with cell phones.


even if they did have cellphones...

are we really suppose to believe they would have even worked??

Horror movie rules 101.........cell service NEVER available


Who skis/snowboards with their phone?


What??? EVERYONE skis with their phones! I live ibn a ski resort and I know. Believe me!


Gotta remember that cell coverages weren't as good in 2010. Not hard to believe that cell's would have been useless even if they had them.


Nearly every modern horror film has to find a way to make cell phones unavailable. Countless older films would be ruined had cell phone technology existed at the time. This is just a basic fundamental thing screenwriters have to get around right off the bat. Too far out in the wilderness, oops phones were destroyed, oh no we forgot them, massive power outage, etc. etc. etc.


The scene in the cafeteria makes it clear their phones were left in the locked car.

Though it's likely there wouldn't have been a tower or signal near there anyway. It didn't exactly look like a fashionable resort.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


I thought that was odd too. I know they left them in their car or locker, but yeah skiing with cell phones isn't by any means uncommon. Good to have in an emergency if someone gets hurt.


As mentioned, in 2010 a ski resort would not have cell reception. I'm sure there may have been exceptions to this rule. I am sure one person can manage to name one mountain they'd have been able to get reception on. But, in most cases as cell phone would have been useless as far as contacting help.

Also, besides the fact that they specifically mention wanting to have a cell phone free weekend (you know, getting away from it all). People who ski do leave the phones in their lockers or cars simply because they're so easy to lose or have get broken. Cell phones are expensive.
