Movie was uneven

I like survival movies but I was bored most of the time.

They had beautiful landscapes. And crazy CGI lion was mostly well done and didnt look that much fake. He did look intimidating.

But other then that it was hard to connect to story. As kids were super annoying. Some random people showed up to be dead next second. It was hard to root for Uncle Martin because we all knew he would not make it no matter how smart he will be and how much he will try. Because Hollywood never lets side-character to survive in movies like that. They always need to kill someone for shock factor. In the end you just dont care about those characters at all because what sense is in that?

I actually wish that sometimes Hollywood would surprise its viewers and let them live. But nope. Uncle Martin was dead the moment he was introduced. It actually made me angry.

I laughed when Uncle Martin heard a noise and "went to investigate" if its crazy murderous lion was making noises. And of course was attacked by that lion immediately )))

Or when they run away in their car from crazy lion back at the village. And they had their window opened )))) Even when they saw bloody man on the road, stopped to check on him - no one went to close that window!!! I was screaming at them: "Close the window, idiots! What is wrong with you?" And of course 5 seconds later lion showed up and burst through that opened window into the car. Which led them into panic mode and they crashed their car ))))

None of that would happened if window would be closed.


Yeah that open window pissed me off lol
