Lesson Of The Day: Being cheap gets you KILLED!!!
My problem with this movie...especially as people compare it to JAWS (one of my all-time favorites)...is that it's not 1975 anymore, and we're not on an old, beat-up fishing boat like the Orca. Which means when you're in trouble, you don't have to worry about being Sheriff Brody and having Quint sneak up with a bat, to smash the cheapie short wave CB radio and your sole hope of rescue.
Lesson of the day: being cheap gets you killed! So the next time someone invites you on their ritzy sailboat, to have a ritzy blue water vacation, just remember to pull out the credit card first. These days...37 years later and unlike 1975...technology is a little better. Which means a mere 200 bucks will buy a personal waterproof GPS locator. And only $500-$800 will buy a deluxe waterproof satellite phone that can instantly connect into a GLOBAL search and rescue satellite network.
Hey, it's better to be safe than sorry.
And it's DEFINITELY better to be out a few hundred bucks than to be Great White Shark food!!!
From ED WOOD...
Is there a script?
No, but there's a poster!