Only One Thing...
I love this movie! One of my top favs....but the only thing I got kinda irritated about was that as soon as someone saw a splash or saw the dorsal fin of a shark they all immediately started thrashing and kicking even harder but yet stayed in the same place. Everyone knows that when you see a shark you try to remain as still as possible because the more splashing you do the more attention you draw on yourselves and when you scream it sends vibrations through the water which attracts it even more....the guy (Matt? I think) knows the water better than anyone and you would assume he would tell them to be still and shut up hahaha
Now it's easier to tell someone else what they should be doing but truth is I might react the same way if a Great White is 3ft. in front of me but then again survival mode kicks in and maybe I wouldn't....who knows, I am hopefully never going to figure it out hahaha :)
"Frankly. my dear, I don't give a damn."