MovieChat Forums > The Reef (2011) Discussion > I only have one complaint

I only have one complaint

This is not a spoiler but still you shouldn't be reading this if you haven't seen the movie. My biggest disappointment with this film is that it takes it's time building up to the attacks, you actually believe the first person to go could be anyone but then in typical fashion the characters go in order of importance. There really is no surprise element to the order at all. Just the same its a great effort and I can't wait to buy the blu-ray.


Same here; we felt the attacks were a tad too predictable as well. However, the subject matter was handled so well and with such a high level of tension...we forgave the cliche' found in the order of those attacked.


I thought The Reef was terrific, but one of the reasons why I rate it slightly lower than Traucki's Black Water is because I could more easily predict who would live or die (spoilers for Black Water: in that film, I seriously expected hot blonde Maeve Dermody to be the first or second to be killed, but she was the lone survivor at the end).


ugh damnit, why did i keep reading when it said spoilers lol. im about to watch black water now.
but i agree with the OP. i thought it was too predictable with the kills. when the main girl said she would stay on the boat with the other guy i was thinking it was going to be awesome and u wouldnt have a clue, but then of course a second later shes coming with them, so i knew straight off she would be the one to survive. and i knew her boyfriend would be last with her and prob save her. and i knew the guy on the boat would be first. or we'd never see him again. the only thing i didnt know was which of the other annoying couple would die first, i was hoping it was the blonde.

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Why is the "order of killing" so important to you people? Do you really watch these kind of movies thinking: which one gets killed next?


Do you really watch these kind of movies thinking: which one gets killed next?

Yes, isn't that standard now? Especially since in early movies, the black guy was always the first to be killed. And usually the two leads (who happen to be the most attractive) make it farther than anyone else. And that happened in this movie, as an example! :-D
