Maybe if we thrash about more it will go away
I don't normally like to start a thread just to complain. The movie wasn't too bad, and I suppose I understand the decision to swim instead of stay with the boat, but they made some really stupid decisions after that.
Every time a shark came, they started screaming and thrashing all over. Now, I'm no shark expert here, but unless they smell blood, they would be attracted to the movement of your limbs and the splashing and bubbles in the water. They had enough flotation device between them to float and stop kicking entirely. But no, they might as well have just swam over to the damn shark and said 'eat me' Then the one guy going alone, two seconds after the shark dissapeared to go get the floating device, yeah, was losing those legs was worth that little floaty?
Anyway, that was really the only thing that made me talk to the screen and say 'are you stupid?!'
"I'm trying to see things from your point of view but I can't stick my head that far up my ass."