Tiger Sharks have never had the same marquee value. I watched it on cable last night, and obviously the sight of a Great White swimming near you is terrifying. But the fact is, in clear water like that, far from shore, with little chance of mistaken identity, a Great White might kill one of them by biting a limb off experimentally--but then it'd go away, realizing that they weren't seals, and therefore aren't nutritionally suitable. A Tiger Shark is more versatile in its eating habits. A White Shark that went around eating one human after another would starve to death. I mean, these were SKINNY humans. Hardly any meat on the bones.
But the fact is, choosing the White Shark was a mistake--really takes you out of the story, because we know so much more about them now, thanks to all those documentaries. It's behaving like a Tiger Shark, and they should have used footage of Tiger Sharks. Or else rewritten the script so that it behaved like a Great White, but then they couldn't have it kill three of them--they just aren't that stupid.