

"Victims... aren't we all!"


Gave it a 7/10.

If IMDB offered 1/2 votes, I would have scored it 7.5/10.

Like it quite a bit, surprised to see the 5.7.



what is stupid about it?


I'm glad you asked. I've stated the problems with this movie plenty of times before, but I seem to be the only one to realize them.

These people are on a trip in a yacht to go diving and snorkelling and all that jazz, but when their yacht is capsized, they seem to have almost no gear at all. One pair of flippers and ONE kickboard, that's utter stupidity right there. But it gets worse, I'm about to state the one main thing that utterly destroyed this film for me; the main male star of the film clearly uses a knife to cut the kickboard in half before they get in the water, but that knife is NEVER seen again in the film. Seriously, what human being with a single funtioning brain cell would go into shark infested waters completely unarmed? If he did have the knife on him, why not attempt to use it against the shark? They didn't even try to defend themselves, it was pathetic, I was personally rooting for the shark the entire time. Every time a friend dies, they float there for 10 minutes crying about it, instead of trying to escape while the shark is busy.

For those reasons and many more, I will always rate this film as one of the very worst I have ever had the misfortune of witnessing.



your just nit picking. it was still an effective horror movie. your not more intelligent than everyone else for deciding not to enjoy a movie.


I didn't really give this movie a chance when I sat down to watch it, but it kinda took me by surprise, of course the knife-thing and so little supplies from a capsized boat didn't make much sense, but I really enjoyed it!
The shark looked pretty awesome, the attacks were quite intense and the acting wasn't at all as terrible as I expected. I gave this movie a 7/10, worth a watch and enjoyable overall!


Didn't the guy drop the knife at one point and it sank to the bottom of the ocean? I think so, I'll have to give it another watch to see if I'm am correct on that.


A knife would be virtually useless against a great white shark. Especially not one that size.

I agree that the film is stupid overall. The way the shark behaved was very unrealistic too but it's far from one of the very worst films ever made just for those reasons. There are many many worse films.


What about the eyes or gills, nose even. Is shark skin really that tough? I've heard it's really rough like sandpaper x10 although not sure if it's like croc skin toughness. Actually, same question to all of the above for croc skin minus the sandpaper skin

John Hancock


I'm fairly sure the eyes of a shark are very hard and would only deflect the blade. I doubt he'd even reach the gills or if he did I don't think much damage could be done before the shark tears them to bits. A shark's skin is very rough but a crocodiles skin is harder. The eyes of a crocodile are very weak though so stabbing them in the eye would work.


Ah ok, I remember seeing a documentary that had mako sharks attacking the camera, those things were bloody fast as hell. I guess it would probably also depend on which type of shark was attacking you. Those mako sharks would probably have your leg and be eating fries before you even got you're knife out

I was actually hoping for an attack like that in this film but it would probably be hard to do without it looking like stock footage of a shark attacking bait or something. Seeing a shark zoom at you at high speed must be one of the scariest things when you look underwater.

John Hancock


The eyes of a shark would only deflect a blade?! Ha ha! Would be pretty tricky to fight a shark off though.


To fight a shark with a knife is the stupid idea. Sharks are too fast and you cannot react fast enough even if you were not slowed down by the water. Also you don´t know from which direction it comes from. The film shows this problem perfectly. The behaviour of this shark is very realistic.


A knife would be virtually useless against a great white shark. Especially not one that size.

Knowing what I was in the water with I would be tempted to use the knife on myself


I agree 100%. This documentary wasnt factually correct at all. People never ever do anthing stupid in real life so to portray 5/6 people in a life or death situation panicking and not behaving rationally is extremely irresponsible by the documentary makers...............

sorry, just having a bit of fun.

5.7 is about right. Not a perfect film but does pass the time. Ive seen way worse with better scores.


You say that like you know how you would react in a similar situation. Have you ever seen a friend killed in a graphic way? I bet not.
I agree about the part about the knife, but if they had shown him bring it along, they would have also shown him losing or breaking it, for added drama. And let's face it, a knife, no matter how big or sharp, would be of very little use against an attacking shark. So in effect, your complaints are trivial.


These people are on a trip in a yacht to go diving and snorkelling and all that jazz, but when their yacht is capsized, they seem to have almost no gear at all.
I live on the coast and I can tell you that for all sorts of reasons, many rather stupid, people go to sea underequipped with great regularity. You are rather misguided if you think this is the reason to claim
this film as one of the very worst I have ever had the misfortune of witnessing.
You confuse your criticism of real life practices with a pretty well made, independent, low budget thriller based on real life events.


They really need half points. Some people claim it's stupid to not be able to rate things on a 10 point scale, but, in reality, I am rating TONS of movies a 6 or 7 or 8 where other movies of the same score are quite a bit better or worse, yet look the same in this rating type. A half point would make it much easier to order them.


The film deserves at least a 7/10 personally, especially when compared to other shark films that have been made besides Jaws. There aren't very many good ones (if any), but this one really shined IMO.


i agree. This is a good shark film that really delivers.

Its always funny when people pick apart bad decisions made by characters in films but guess what....people are stupid sometimes and make bad decisions when they are stressed. Its easy to be super intelligent when your sitting on the couch with a bowl of ice cream. Lets see how you handle being in the water with a 16 foot white shark.

anyways...great film. This and open water are the best shark films other than Jaws and they have some intense moments. I actually find them quite a bit scarier than Jaws although maybe not as fun. Jaws is kind of a fishing movie when it gets down to it.

Black water and Rouge are also excellent if you like alligator stories.


I gave it a 7!
The Reef deliver the goods. The minute the boat capize it gets tense. It feels like something is out there stalking. The Moody Music, the turtle, Everything builds this dreadful tension. And when the Shark appears...boom! One of the best of its kind for sure.


I gave it an 8. It's a top 3 shark film of all time in my eyes. Really the only shark flick that I can think of that's better than the reef would be jaws.
